Play Date Gone Wrong

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A/N: Hello my loves! Guess what? I had a bit of inspiration - so here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Several weeks went by and Izuku was slowly adjusting to his new life with All Might and Inko. There were a few tense moments, especially when Nezu came around, but all in all - Izuku was fairly comfortable. Even so, when night rolled around, he had a hard time holding in his tears. He missed his family and prayed that they would come rescue him...

But nothing yet.

One day, Inko was preparing lunch and extra snacks. She had plans to introduce Izuku to a few playmates. It would be a good distraction for him...right?

Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo were good family friends. Mitsuki was aware of Inko and All Might's situation and how Izuku was handling his new life. She thought it'd be a good idea to introduce Izuku to her rambunctious son - Katsuki.

The two would get along and become best friends...

What could go wrong?


"Inko! Over here!" A spirited and spiky woman waved her arms enthusiastically! Her eyes glinting with excitement. Inko waved back, Izuku standing next to her, his face looking downward...

"Are you okay sweetheart? Are you ready to meet some new friends?" Inko looked at the child - he had absolutely no interest in being at this play date.

"Inko! How are you? How have you been? How's All Might? Is this the little one?!" Mitsuki threw so many questions and glanced over at the little cinnamon roll, who stood still...

As the adults spoke to one another, Izuku noticed another blonde person...he looked to be the same age as him. He had a really mean look on his face...

Inko grabbed Izuku's hand and led him to the picnic table. Mitsuki's husband sat with Katsuki on his lap and a gentle smile on his face.

"Old man...who's he? I never seen him." Katsuki spoke loudly; it made Izuku feel a little small. He didn't know any of them. They didn't know him.

"Katsuki, this is Izuku. He is Mrs. Inko's son. You be nice to him now." Before her son could say anymore, Mitsuki pinched his cheeks - hard.

A cry of pain and terror left the child's mouth, as he struggled against his Mother's iron fingers! Izuku and Katsuki were instructed to go play while the adults got the food ready. At first, neither of them moved - but after a quick smack to the head - Katsuki offered to take Izuku to the jungle gym...

"Hey! Just so you know, I'm the strongest kid on this block! I'm gonna be stronger than All Might! So don't get in my way." The declaration came loud and proud, but it fell on deaf ears. Izuku had no care about being a hero.

"Hey! Did you hear me!? You stupid kid! Listen to me!!!" Katsuki, age 4, quirk ability: explosion.

The adults heard the commotion but didn't think Katsuki would start attacking Izuku. Well~~~ he did and now he was on top of little Izuku, making random explosions happen. 
Closing his eyes, Izuku allowed for the blonde to stand above him - allowing him to act all high and mighty.

"You better listen or you'll never see your family again! My mom told me no one wanted you because you're a bad kid! And I hate bad kids!"  Katsuki's words tore through Izuku's last good nerve. His family isn't bad - only bad to those that don't know them. He isn't bad! He's a good boy, like his papa always said he is!

Remember Izu. You're a Shigaraki, you're my son. And we don't lose. Never let anyone defeat you.

Izuku recalled his papa's word and erupted.

"Shut up!! Don't talk bad about my papa! You're the bad kid! You're the one who is hurting me! I haven't done anything, you stupid puppy!!!" Izuku's wings emerged; he began throwing his feather daggers at the spiky blonde.

"Izuku! Please calm down!" Inko rushes to the little boy's side, hopping her presence was enough to calm him. But nothing, he was angry! His mind blinded by rage!

"Rize, let's hurry. We don't need any unwanted attention, come on~~" Himiko gripped Rize's arm a little tighter, guiding her through the city. The team was running low on supplies and were in desperate need of more. Dabi and Kuro agreed to stay behind with the boss, but Himiko had to deal with Rize...

She was still in shock and depressed. Eating and then losing her grandson was more than she could handle. As they walked through a random neighborhood; there was a large commotion going on at some park. Himiko was about to avoid it until she recognized a tiny voice, screaming at the top of his lungs!


Both women were in sync and made a mad dash towards the crowd gathering at the entrance of the park. A pair of wings were flapping in the air, throwing sharp feathers at a small blonde blob.

"Izuku!!!!" Rize screamed at the top of her lungs, scaring everyone in front of her. Izuku stopped what he was doing and turned around in mid air. His eyes connected with his grandmother, without hesitation he zoomed through the air, aiming for her.

Just a few more feet! So close! Right as he was about to feel the embrace of his grandmother; Izuku is rushed to the ground - his head making contact.


What a fucking douche canoe!! Rize watched as the burning bastard smashed her grandson's head into the dirt. She thought he'd be knocked out, but Izuku was still awake and struggling under the ape's grip!

Endeavor wasn't alone...All Might and Easerhead came up behind him.

"Well, well. Look who has come out of their rat hole. Care to go another round and let me burn you to a crisp you disciple savage!" The fire hero taunted Rize, hopping she would attack.

Rize charged! What a piece of shit! She wasn't leaving without her grandson. Eraserhead activated his quirk, his bandages wrapping around the woman's form.

"N-nooo. Grandma!!!" Izuku couldn't take it anymore. Why were these people hurting his family!? He didn't understand! He didn't care! He didn't want to know their reasons! All he knew was: they're all going to die!

A cyclone of feathers exploded from underneath Endeavor's hand. His suit began ripping and splitting from the barrage of sharp feathers, which continued to surround him. Izuku took the moment to send another wave of feather towards the man with the bandages - successfully cutting up his bandages and face!!

Rize fell to be knees, she needed to move now or risk getting caught!

"Run grandma! Run!" Izuku swoops in, grabbing one of Rize's arms and pulling her away while everyone was distracted. Himiko stood waiting by the gate - when Rize and the flying munchkin came into view - she grabbed Rize's other arm and began running like there was no tomorrow.

To be continued...

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