New Beginnings

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***Disclaimer: None of these characters are my own. They do not belong to me. Images were borrowed from Google, Pinterest and other search engines. None belong to me.***

A/N: Thank you for all your patience my lovelies! I hope you enjoy this next chapter! 

A buzzing sound filled in Shigaraki's ears; tiny hands clung to his shirt, doing their best to shake him awake. Little Izuku was sitting on top of his belly, crying; blubbering for him to wake up. At least that's what he thought the kid was saying. Looking around; Toga and Dabi come into sight. Kurogiri calmly walks up to him, offering a helping hand. 

"Kurogiri, where in hell's fire did you take us? Are we still in Japan?" Shigaraki takes his offer, making sure to grab Izuku into his free arm. The other two join them, adjusting to their new surroundings. 

"So...old man, where exactly are we?" Dabi looks around, the air was clean, calm and there seemed to be no danger. Where the hell did Kurogiri take them?

"...Uh, Master. Just know, I would only bring us here because of the situation. I would never do so under any other circumstance..." Kurogiri bowed deeply. 

"What the hell are you talk---" Before Shigaraki could saying anything, someone else interrupted him. 

"Well, well -- you would be the last person I'd ever thought to show up here." A tall slender woman stood in a silk, white gown; her silver hair glistening in the daylight; her mercury eyes gliding over each person. 

There was clearly shock on Shigaraki's face; who was this enchanting woman? 

"Madam, please forgive us and this abrupt surprise, but we had no other choice but to come." Kurogiri continued to stay in his bent position; it looked like he was too scared to move. 

"Who's this lady?And why are you begging her for forgiveness? Show some pride man!" Toga moved next to the bent over butler; but he refused to get up. Instead, he grabbed Toga's and Dabi's head and had them bow down as well. 

The two struggled against Kuro's grip, but to no avail. 

"Honestly Kurogiri, let the children go. I have no intention of taking their lives, or your's or my son. Tenko(Shigaraki's real name), what do you have tucked under your hoodie?" Her eyes focused in on the shuffling bundle. 

"Old lady, if you know what's good for you, stay back!" Shigaraki scooted away as the woman in white moved forward in a graceful manner. 

"Old woman? Is that anyway to call your mother, who you haven't seen in ten years?" Her voice had a playful tone to it. 

"S-st-stay back old lady! I mean it! My quirk has gotten way stronger - I can take you down!" There really wasn't any confidence behind his words. 

"Oh really? Pre-tell, how far has your quirk evolved? I would love to see what you've become." The playfulness in her voice continued, as she trailed along her path towards her son.  

And like a cute little cinnamon roll - Izuku pops out from under Shigaraki's hoodie. His frizzy hair became extra frizzy from being mooshed against the fabric of his father's clothing. He looked absolutely adorable.. And before Shigaraki knew it, his son was in the palms of his evil mother! Immediately jumping up onto his feet; Shigaraki aimed his hand at the woman's face; only to stop short of a few inches of her nose. 

"Do you really think that silly little attack would work on me?" Her eyes narrowed, her demeanor becoming darker. Kurogiri let go of the two hooligans and ran to his master's side. 

"Madam please, the young master just cares for the baby deeply. He doesn't let Baby Izuku leave his sight!" The butler remained in between mother, son and...grandbaby? 

"And what is so special about this little one? Tenko has taken the lives of many without so much as a second thought. He rarely thought a thing when All for One ordered him to do so." Holding Izuku straight in front of her, Shigaraki's mother looked at the child. He didn't seem to be afraid of her, actually he barely registered her presence. He was more focused on Dabi and his father. But Izuku could feel the unease coming from his other family members. Right on queue, his wings spring from his tiny back. His emerald eyes look at the woman in front of him, as if he were determining her character. Not a moment later his wings disappear and he clammers for his father. 

"sigh. Honestly, as I said before, I have no intentions of killing you. Come along - we can discuss your issues inside. The weather is beginning to turn." Without another word, the woman walked away with Izuku in her arms. 

Toga and Dabi move to their boss's side; ready with questions. 

"Shigi! Is she your mother?! I thought you didn't have a mom!" The blonde's eyes bounced back and forth from mother to son. Boy, Shigi did not get any of his mother's looks. Shame. 

"Of course he has a mother Toga. He wouldn't be here without her. The question is, why is this the first time we are hearing of her. And how does Kurogiri know of her and we don't?" Dabi shot over a suspicious glance. 

"Long story short, my mother is a free soul. Nothing, not even me could hold her down." Shigaraki began his march of impending doom after his mother and son. This was going to be a long...whatever this was. 


The group walked up a stoned pathway; the sides were surrounded with wild flowers; the trees swayed with the breeze. And at the end of the path stood a quaint cottage. The roof was fixed with red tiles; the once red brick, was now faded with vines growing on it from the surrounding foliage. Windows lined the front of the cottage, revealing the living room and the kitchen. The patio holding double doors with painted glass windows. It was a painting come to life. 

"Welcome, this way please. Watch your step." The woman guided her guest to her front door and into her open living room. The walls were lined with bookshelves and pictures. The furniture was simple and clean. It matched well with the sophisticated and delicate surroundings. 

"Take a seat everyone, we have a lot to discuss. Let's begin shall we? My name is Rize; if you already haven't gathered, I am Tenko's---Shigaraki's mother. Pleasure to know your existence." A cruel smile spread across her haunting face. 

A chilling feeling running up everyone's spine...

This felt like a bad idea...

To be continued...

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