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All Might was given several bags, Recovery Girl wasn't leaving anything to chance - she packed everything Izuku would need in all situations. Did a child really need this much stuff? Of course he does! 

"Uhh, Recovery Girl...is--is this all?" At this point All Might wouldn't have arms to carry the child out the building. Nezu watched from afar, knowing full well, if he got any closer, Izuku would chop off his head. Izuku was sitting on the floor, moving his playing blocks from his left side to his right. He had no real interest in playing - he just wanted to be left alone. 

After several more bags, All Might left with Izuku in his arms. Even though Izuku was okay with All Might - there was indeed tension between the two. And this was awkward for the Hero. Never in all his years did he have a child resent him as this little child...

The child sat next to him, staring out at the window. His eyes always seemed to be red - probably because he had to cry himself to sleep...

Don't get All Might wrong, this situation could have been handled better. But, a child needs a loving family...even if the villains raised him - he wasn't being raised for the right reasons...right? There was so much missing from this story - Nezu had his methods of withholding secrets or important details...

"Say, young Izuku. Do you have a favorite meal to eat? Why don't we stop at a restaurant? Would you like that?" All Might peered over at his young ward...still nothing. He wore his heart on his sleeve...regardless of what acts a villain can do - Shigaraki raised this boy - and he doesn't seem to have a bad bone in his tiny body.

Maybe it would be best to go with a different approach...

"Izuku...what did your dad do for you, when you were sad?" The question indeed caught the child's interest...

"It's PAPA - not daddy...and papa would carry me, until I fell asleep...b-but - I won't let you hold me!" Folding his arms across his chest, Izuku pretended to be angry and pouted in the corner. 

"What about your papa makes you happy?" It was a start, he said more to him in that one sitting, then in that last four days...

"Papa...papa gave me a family. He made all the bad things go away. He made that stupid potato head go away...he gave me Grandma Rize...he gave me Eri..." Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes. The memory of his family, it hurt so much. 

"Mister...I want to go home. I want to see my papa...please~" Sadness echoed in Izuku's voice, he couldn't control himself anymore...

Tears began to fall from his eyes. Izuku's little hands wiped them away as fast as he could, but it was only met by more tears. All Might watched as his new ward cried...What should he do? What could he do? This child had no reason to trust anyone...

Maybe Inko would be better at this than he is.


Arriving in front of All Might's Home: 

Inko waited patiently, Yagi had told her they would be caring for a child from the League of Villains. At first, the idea wasn't so appealing - the child could have been evil. But after hearing the back story, Inko's heart went out for the child. As a familiar black car pulled up to the front of their home, the green-haired woman grew nervous...

What if the child didn't like her? 

When the vehicle came to a complete stop, All Might stepped out; he looked really tired and drained. It had only been a few hours since he left the house, but he looked like a group of villains had attacked...

"Yagi, Sweetie! What's the matter? You don't look so good." Inko wrapped her arms around her beloved's waist, trying her best to hold him up. 

"Dear, I'm fine. Just a tad surprised is all. I didn't think parenting could take so much out of a person. I don't know how you do it everyday at the preschool." All Might returned the embrace, enjoying Inko's unrequited love and attention. 

"Well my dear, he is here. Are you ready to meet him?" Yagi and Inko had been preparing and worrying about today - anything could happen! Nodding her head, Inko takes a final calming breath...right before she internally freaks the hell out. 

All Might bends back into the vehicle for a few seconds, before coming back out with little Izuku in his arms. Izuku has his face turned into All Might's chest, his eyes still red from the tears. 

"...I-Izuku? Shigaraki Izuku? Is that you?" Inko recognized that frizzy green hair...as she said his name, Izuku turned his head. His seemingly dead eyes, began glowing with what little hope he had left. Before she uttered another word, Inko lifted the child into her arms, automatically infusing her with all the love she could muster. 

"T-teacher? W-what, what are you doing here?" Izuku sniffles as he accepts the embrace, wrapping his chunky arms around his teacher's neck. 

"Izuku, All Might - he is my husband. He and I will be taking care of you from now on..." Inko eased the last statement out, not wanting to scare him or receive any unnecessary attacks...

Izuku pushes himself off from Inko's shoulder, looking back and forth between the two...Did he not like what he heard?? 

"Teacher, please - let me go find my papa. PLEASE~ I miss my papa. You know him! He's not bad like everyone says!" Izuku hopped his teacher would understand and help him; but he saw that look in her eyes. The look of pity and a solid 'no'. 

Inko shakes her head telling the cinnamon roll, she couldn't do anything to help him, but he would be welcomed to stay as long as he wanted with her and All Might. 

A rush of feathers flurry around Inko and before she could tighten her hold on Izuku - he is in the air, flapping his wings as fast as he could. 

All Might jumps into the air, aiming to catch the toddler, only to miss but a tiny, fuzzy curl. Izuku was determined to find his papa - he didn't want to ask for help anymore! He would find his papa, even if it killed him!!!

To be continued...

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