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"Nezu, how could you take this child? He is young and in need of his parents." Recovery Girl cradled the toddler in her arms; his arrival came as a surprise for all the Pros. Well all accept the one Pro that was meant to take the child under his wing: All Might. 

"It had to be done. This child is strong enough to take on All for One, his quirk gives him the advantage none of us have. And not to be rude, but Shigaraki raising that child only means certain doom." Nezu sipped on his cup of tea as more Pros filed into the office. Each hero glanced over at the child - wondering of his presence. Minutes ticked by and eventually All Might showed. 

"Good, everyone is accounted for. This is of a dire situation. And I expect all of you to listen carefully and decide whether or not you want to be involved. Recovery Girl holds the only offspring of All for One...Prior to his arrival he was being raised by disconnected members of the league of villains. However, situations...have changed and All for One decided there were other uses for the child. The only thing he didn't account for is the child's quickly developing quirk. In order to have the upper hand in the battle against evil - I thought it best to raise this child to become a hero." Nezu looked at each of the pros - an array of confusion, shock and dismay appeared. As a well equipped individual, Nezu knew there would be a few that would question his tactics. But his decision was met with silence. 



"How could you?! How could you let them take my son?" Shigaraki was fuming, yelling at his mother as they ran from building top to building top. Thanks to Kurogiri's cool and calm headed-ness; the group's next goal: get back to the city and locate Izuku. 

"Shut up you brat! At least I know where we can find the baby! Get your ass out of your head and keeping moving!" Rize already felt guilty for trusting the little animal-noid and letting him escape with her grandchild. But they had one focus, get Izuku and get out with the least amount of damage to themselves. 

"Boss, chill. We need a plan on getting the kid out. There's no way the Pros are going to leave him alone and unprotected. We are going to have to fight..." Dabi already knew, he would be meeting his father sooner than he would have liked - but to save Izuku and have him back - it mattered more than this hatred for that asshole. 

Landing on the closest and tallest skyscrapper - the group looked over at the school. The campus was large in size and in depth. The five of them could only cover so much ground in a small amount of time without being detected. 

"Look! Shigi, at the top level! There's Izu!" Toga pointed with her finger. She was right; it was Izuku! He was sitting quietly in the arms of an old woman - his fluffy head looking back and forth for familiar faces...his eyes looked like they were watering up. 

Without a second thought - Shigaraki called out to Kurogiri, ordering him to warp him onto the roof of the school, right before jumping off the roof. Toga and Dabi followed as well, leaping into the dark vortex. 

"Madam...after you." Kurogiri kept the hole open, patiently waiting - while the others impatiently  yelled through the hole, telling them to hurry the hell up. 

"Kurogiri - if anything happens to Izuku. Take my son and get him away from here...he won't win against that many pros. And I doubt any of them would take pity on any of you." Rize looked at the butler before jumping in herself. 


Back in Nezu's Office: 

"WAAAAAAAAAAA. WAAAAAAAAAA. WAAAAAAAAA!!!" Izuku had woken up from his nap expecting to see his papa. But he wasn't there. Instead there was a short looking old lady, she was cooing with him. And then he saw more people - people he didn't know. Taking a few glances back and forth, Izuku felt  fear and sadness....his daddy wasn't here....

And instantly the poor cinnamon roll exploded with tears, calling out for his papa. Nezu was unfazed by the tears - but he assumed all human babies loved toys and decided to flaunt an All Might action figure in front of the boy's face...Nezu received an unpleasant response, to his surprise. 

Izuku knocked the figure to the ground and continued to cry for his papa! All of the other Pros were gave their looks of in particular, pulled Izuku off of Recovery Girl's lap and starred him down with his cold, steely eyes. 

"God! SHUT UP YOU DISGUSTING VILLAIN CHILD!" Endeavor had reached his annoyance point and he didn't give a damn whose kid he was yelling at; all he knew was, this shit was going to stop and stop now. 

And right on queue  - blue flames engulfed the office - knocking down majority of the heroes. Dabi and Toga were the first through the door, taking down any conscious heroes. A knocked out hero was better than a dead one, right? Next, Shigaraki came through the door - his eyes searching for his one prize. And there he was still crying. 

"Izu!" The sound of his father made the crying baby stop. The green little puff ball looked up to see his family waiting for them at the door. His wings popped from his back and he glided his way through the air to his daddy. But before he could reach them; someone had tackled his papa, his uncle Dabi and his auntie Himiko to the ground. Each of them were struggling to get up. 

"IZUKU RUN! Run to your grandma now! Papa will be right behind you! Go!" Shigaraki did his best to not decay anyone, but it was getting harder and harder. He needed to get out of this situation and get Izuku out now. Before he could get the current hero off of him, another came and held down his other arm. 


Izuku saw his papa and dove as fast as his little body would let him; he aimed and collided with someone's blonde and excessively gelled hair. Izuku couldn't see his face because it was covered in a blue fabric; but it didn't matter. The little green puff grabbed whatever was there and started pulling and biting. And before anyone knew what was happening, Izuku gets slammed against the wall! 

"Pa--pa!" The air gets knocked out of Izuku; right in front of his family's eyes! Best Jeanist realized what had happened...he'd injured a toddler...Pulling back and letting child drop to the ground; Izuku just fell to the floor. Not a sound out of him...

Dabi had frozen, Himiko was on the verge of tears and Shigaraki saw nothing but fuming rage. The room became consumed with blue fire and Himiko was able to find a sharp object and began mercilessly stabbing and slicing...

Shigaraki was about to decay the two that was pinning him down before a familiar voice echoed throughout the office. 

Apparently, the trio wasn't the only one who lost control. Rize entered the office with blood smeared on her face, Kurogiri with several workers, dragged by a limb. 

"NEZU~~~you treacherous little shit! You took my grandson; endangered the rest of my family! And one of your so called PROS has the balls to hurt my grand-baby! How fucking dare you!" Rize launches into the crowd. Not giving a flying shit who came at her, she took them down immediately, rushing towards the animal-noid...she would enjoy ripping out his spleen!

To be continued...

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