two ;; ashton irwin, a devil

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ashton grew up rough, which might've explained a little bit about why he was how he was.

he didn't know who his father was, and quite frankly, wasn't interested anymore. his mum hadn't told him anything about her, and he had stopped trying to find out at this point. he knew everything he asked, and any logical conclusion he tried to come to, just to give some closure on it all really, was stupid, and so he had just stopped trying.

he had no siblings, and it was just him and his mum.

she worked in a primary school as a teacher, looking after kids in preschool mostly, but sometimes she dealt with people in reception, and stuff like that.

he knew he was a 'failure' to his mother, even if she never outright told him so.

he could see from the look in her eye when she got his report a few weeks ago and saw the highest grade he had gotten in anything was a 'd'.

he had several tattoos, wings on the back of his neck, a heart on one wrist, and five tally marks for his band on the other wrist. he was planning on getting some more at some point, but for now, while he was in school he couldn't really afford to keep stealing his mum's money behind her back.

he knew she must've seen the tattoos on him by now, and must've clocked that he was stealing money out her purse to pay for it all.

or maybe she thought he was dealing drugs for cash.

either one was just as bad as the other.

at school, his best and pretty much only friend was a boy called calum hood. they had gotten their tattoos together, and he had a bunch of them as well. he came from a much richer background than ashton though, and didn't steal his parents money behind their back to get his.

he was talked about as being a heart breaker and a fuckboy in the corridors of the school, but he didn't let the cruel whispers get to him. if anything, they made him tougher.

ash didn't bother attending most classes, if he did he and calum just fucked around in them. but there was one lesson he always turned up to.

and that was art.


luke hemmings was in that class.

the classroom was set out in tables, and ashton sat with calum and a kid called michael, who neither of them spoke to, but was luke's best friend, so ashton didn't care, and luke sat on a table of girls, giggling with them about makeup or something.

ashton thought luke was better looking than any of the old dogs he sat with. he beat them all by far. both face wise and body wise. even personality wise. everyone said the same things about luke, that he had a heart of gold.

what frustrated ashton was that luke probably didn't even know who he was.

or, that if anything, luke probably just saw ashton as another fuckboy who just wanted to get into his pants.

or panties, ashton wasn't judging.

but luke saw ashton staring at him every lesson.

and maybe,

just maybe,

he felt the same way, even if he didn't know it yet.

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