nine ;; choosing a boy

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michael ran over to luke, who was stood by his locker, checking his phone, scaring the boy a little and making him jump. "i hate when you do that!" luke laughed.

"did you choose?"

"choose what?"

"which boy you wanted to see again!"

luke sighed, he had hoped michael would somehow forget about that.

harry was the only one of the guys who seemed the most interesting to him, since he liked arts as well, and luke thought he could at least get a good friendship out of this ordeal, if nothing else.

he had tapped all of the boys' numbers into his phone and had them messaging him all of last night, but he had been busy looking through ashton irwin's instagram, looking at pictures of him last night. he had been out in a club somewhere, and his story was littered with pictures of him and calum drinking and smoking together.

michael sighed, seeing luke was clearly distracted. "harry seemed like he'd get on with you well. the others are all cool though. i mean, niall is irish, that's pretty cool, an- and, zayn was a footballer. that's cool."

"i know you're trying to help me, but i- everything felt forced and weird. i don't know if i like any of them like that." luke admitted, bowing his head and looking down at his light pink vans.

"just go on a date with harry, a proper one, and see how you feel. i'll catch up with you at lunch!" michael said, running off down the halls before he could catch luke's answer.

luke sighed and put his bag in his locker and walked to the boy's toilets.

little did he know,

ashton had been listening from around the corner the whole time.

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