seven ;; boyfriends

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luke was almost tackled to the ground by michael when he came into school at lunch. he had has the dentist today to take his braces out, so he had pretty teeth now. "michael." luke said gently, hugging the boy. "did you miss me that much?"

"no- well, yeah, but that's-"

"you better have missed me." luke joked, laughing as the two went to sit at a table, and luke felt hot stares almost piercing through his skin. he looked to his left and saw none other than ashton and calum, sat on top of one of the tables no one else was sat at, drinking milkshakes. he rolled his eyes, trying his best to ignore the stares they gave him and michael.

"it's ashton." michael said quietly as they sat down and luke pulled his bag off, shoving it between his legs under the table.

"i can see that." luke said bluntly, not getting it.

"no! i mean- he said this morning, basically, that he likes you." michael said, his eyes concerned and big.

luke said nothing and just stared blankly at michael. "okay." he said slowly. "why were you talking to him?" he frowned.

"they were stood in front of our lockers, and he asked where i was, and- he called you cute! and stuff." michael babbled, eager to get it all out. this was information luke needed to know.

luke coughed and pulled out his bottle of tango, taking a sip and almost choking on it, coughing again.

"are you okay?" michael asked, patting his back.

"'m fine." luke lied.

he found himself looking back over at ashton and calum. ashton's gaze met his, and the two held eye contact for ages.

"you don't like him, do you luke?" michael asked.

luke broke eye contact with ashton and turned back to looking at michael, sighing.

"i don't know." he said softly. his heart felt torn.

"luke." michael almost whined, shaking his arm softly. "you can't."

luke ignored him, and pulled his arm away, resting his head on the table so that he didn't have to look at anyone. he didn't want to face the world right now.

"what if we get you someone else? like, a boyfriend, to distract you!" michael said, sounding excited.

luke wanted to tell him that was a terrible idea, but he couldn't get the words out.

"someone like harry, or zayn. they're hot. they'd like someone like you." michael giggled, rambling again now.

luke knew there was no point trying to tell him no. maybe getting a boyfriend would be a good idea. after all, it'd make him stop thinking about ashton all of the time. maybe ashton might realise where he stands then, and come to his senses as well.

luke smiled to himself.

"okay." he mumbled softly.

and that was all the confirmation that michael needed.

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