six ;; jealousy

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"have you seen luke?" ashton asked, as he and calum stood in their usual spot, sprawling out across michael and luke's lockers.

michael shivered where he stood, looking up at ashton and across at calum but saying nothing,

"why can't you just talk to me? i'm not that fucking scary." ashton mumbled grumpily, rolling his eyes. "what is it with you and him? what have i done to you that makes you hate me? i'm just being nice." he insisted.

michael bit his lip and shrugged. "you stalk luke." he said bravely.

calum coughed and smirked a little, looking at michael, eyeing up the smaller boy. "i'd watch your mouth angel, you don't wanna upset ashy." he warned.

michael looked down at his dirty converse and shrugged again.

"how do i stalk luke?" ashton challenged, trying his best not to just get angry and bite the kids head off. he knew that michael would surely tell luke if he did something like that.

"you stare at him every art lesson. i sit on the same table as you, and i'm not dumb. neither is he. he knows you like him." michael said quietly.

ashton said nothing, stunned. "who says i like him? maybe i just think he's pretty. you're pretty too, babycakes." ashton teased. he knew calum liked michael, and turned to look at him in time to see the warning glance that he gave him. "luke's cuter though." he added.

"he doesn't like you like that, irwin." michael said softly, still avoiding eye contact with the two.

"that's what you want to believe. just cause you like him doesn't mean he likes you back, michael." calum said, taking matters into his own hands now. "one day luke will be his." he teased.

"i do not like luke!" michael said, looking at the two worriedly now.

"sure you don't." ashton scoffed jealously. "just listen to yourself and the shit you're saying about him. 'oh, ashton, you'll never have lukey poo, he's mine'. bullshit." ashton said stupidly in a funny voice that imitated michael's.

michael blushed and looked down at the floor again. "whatever. he definitely doesn't like people who are mean to his best friend." michael stated bluntly, and walked away from the boys, going into a classroom on the left.

ashton just smirked, happy he'd gotten his fun for the day.

"that kid's fun to wind up." calum snickered.

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