eighteen ;; late

205 10 3

"hey!" ashton said when luke finally appeared, walking slowly and seemingly sadly toward his locker. ashton noticed this immediately. "are you okay, baby boy? you look sad."

luke sighed and just nodded, coming closer to ash than usual and resting his head against ash's chest, grabbing his hands and pulling them around him. ashton got the memo and hugged the boy. he found it cute that they had a height difference like they did, luke fitted perfectly into his arms.

"what's happened?" ashton asked in a soothing voice that made luke turn into butter, melting more into ash's comforting words and strong arms.

"michael hates me." luke finally said, words muffled into ash's shirt, but he still heard.

"are you sure baby? i don't think he does. he's your bes-"

"he hates me because i talk to you." luke peeked out from ash's chest, looking up at him with puppy eyes, his bottom lip jutted out, pouting, baby blue eyes filled with confusion and sadness. he looked adorable regardless.

ashton opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. he figured, he didn't know what to say.

"why?" he managed.

luke stuck his head back against ashton's chest. "i don't wanna stay here." he said softly.

"you have to go to lessons baby. you know, we have art first, you like art. you're good at drawing and painting. i wouldn't want you to miss art."

"he says you're changing me." luke went on, breathing in ashton's cologne to help him relax and try not to stress too much.

ashton rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. fuck michael.

"we don't have to listen to people like him princess. you're mine. i love you. okay?" he said gently, playing with luke's hair, ignoring the weird stares he was getting from kids and teachers walking past going to lessons, he just stuck his tongue out at them.

"okay." luke said.

they stayed as they were until ashton thought luke was calm enough, and then they walked to lesson together, going into art on time.

"i wish we could sit together, but you have fun talking to your other friends, alright princess?" ashton smiled, luke smiled back and nodded as he went to go and sit with the girls on his art table.

calum came through the door seconds after and smiled, high fiving ashton. "hey dude." he said, grinning.

"hey, where were you this morning?" ashton asked as the two went to sit at their table, where michael was supposed to sit as well. ashton noticed the kid hadn't turned up yet though.

"footie." calum explained, sitting beside ash at their table as they were handed their folders and set work to do.

calum was a good drawer, he sort of had to be since he was aiming to become a tattoo artist. he had a few tattoos himself, including 2012 in roman numerals on his collarbone, a few arm tattoos, and something that looked like a feather on his chest area as well. ashton had a few tattoos that calum had done on him, ashton was happy to let his friend practice on him. you could call him brave.

michael eventually turned up at class, talking to sir briefly, and ashton was getting ready to pounce on him, but noticed michael must've asked to move seats, because he was sat on an entirely different table with a bunch of kids ashton didn't know in the corner.

he smirked.

"mike moved?" calum asked, looking up from his sketch he was making of a dragon.

ashton had to admit, it looked amazing.

"yeah." ashton said with a shrug.

after art, luke came almost bouncing over with joy to ashton and calum, who were smoking around the side of the art block where no cameras could get to. it was a popular spot for kids to come and smoke. "hey daddy." luke said with a wink, almost making ashton choke, and making calum laugh.

"adopting nicknames for ash now, huh?" calum grinned, looking amused.

ashton rolled his eyes and smiled at luke. "hey baby boy. art was alright, yeah?" he said.

"yeah." luke smiled, coming and standing next to ash, letting him put one of his big, strong arms around him as he finished his cigarette and let it fall to the floor, crushing it under his dirty converse. "your shoes are mucky." luke giggled.

"mmm." ash shrugged. "what lesson 'ave you got next?" he asked, kissing the boy's forehead fondly, making luke blush.

ashton and him were becoming closer every growing minute, and he couldn't help but feel even more attracted to ash as the days went on. he'd tried to ignore it at first and go on a date with zayn, as michael had suggested, but all he could think of was ashton. ashton ashton ashton. every minute and every hour (coughcoughbastillecough)

"maths or something." luke said with a shrug, basking in ashton's love and affection.

he and ash weren't officially dating yet, and luke doubted ash would ever ask him to be his boyfriend. he didn't mind though, he liked them being like this. this was cute alone.

"wanna skip and go to maccy d's with me and cal?" ashton offered. luke nodded and watched as calum and slipped his hand into ashton's leather jacket pocket, grabbing his lil peep lighter and his almost empty packet of cigs, lighting another.

luke felt bad for thinking it, since it was such an unhealthy thing, but they did look even hotter somehow smoking, both of them.

he became mesmerized, watching calum hold the sinful thing up to his lips and take a puff, watching the smoke swirl out prettily from between his lips after.

"you alright there, doll?" ashton asked.

calum had noticed too, and was smirking now. "why don't you try one, luke?" calum asked, holding out ashton's packet and the lighter with it. there was only one left.

luke looked sheepishly up at ashton, who nodded, edging him on.

"o-okay." luke said, voice shaky. he took the packet and lighter from calum's big hands and took the last, lonely cigarette out, handing the empty packet to ashton, who slid it in his pocket with a wink at luke, making the boy even more flustered, if that was somehow possible.

he lit the cigarette and handed the lighter to ashton and then put the cig to his lips, doing the same as calum had done, and coughing a little, making ashton laugh.

not sure how to end this chapter oof

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