fifteen ;; cds

198 11 2

it'd been a few weeks since the whole luke incident had happened, and ashton had been avoiding school ever since then, so he hadn't seen luke for almost three weeks now. his mother had gotten a letter a few days ago though, about how her son hadn't been turning up, and if she knew why she needed to get in contact, or she'd be paying a fine.

ashton sighed and scuffed his converse along the pavement, wishing he'd worn his vans instead.

he was having to come back into school, after his mother had got mad at him and literally threatened to kill him or some bullshit if he didn't get his ass back into school, to which, ashton being ashton, he had just rolled his eyes and called her a dumb bitch and left the house for the night.

this was why he was where he was now.

walking to calum's house, at 3am.

"cal?" ashton hissed once he was outside their house and had started to climb up the gutter. he managed to make it to calum's window, and tapped on it lightly. when he didn't get a response, he did what he was best at, and got in from the outside. he lifted the latch and made a mental note to remember to fix everything and put it all back when he left, and climbed in, a shirtless calum staring at him from his bed, the duvet messily over his lower half. "ash?" he said sleepily.

"sorry." ashton said, chuckling, as he came and sat on the end of calum's bed. they were used to this by now, calum had even come to ashton's house a few times in the middle of the night. they needed to be up at 5 anyway to get ready for school, if they didn't want to be late. ashton still got up at 7 though, on a good day.

"what's up?" calum asked, leaning across to turn on the dim light on his night stand, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he looked at ashton, eyes trying to focus on the dark figure.

"my mum says i have to start coming back to school, so i decided i'd come here and either sleep on the end of your bed, or on the floor, or just wait until morning and walk to school with you." ashton grinned.

calum nodded and rolled his eyes. "you argue with her all the time ash." he whisper yelled, so that ashton could still hear him. he was still warey about the fact his parents might wake up and come and inspect, and come into calum's room. he wasn't keen on the idea of ashton getting him grounded. "does she not care that you leave the house like this?"

"not really. i don't think she knows. wouldn't care if she did know." ashton mumbled, more to himself the last sentence.

"well, i'm not really tired now. d'you wanna sleep? you can have my duvet. i'm going to go and get breakfast, i'll come back with cereal for you if you want." calum offered with a grin.

ashton nodded and calum left the room in low hanging joggers that showed his black underwear.

ashton cuddled up in calum's duvet, breathing in the smell. it smelt just like calum. calum smelt of home.

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