seventeen ;; angry

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michael was angry, to say the least.

he was fuming.

he was watching luke turn into someone he wasn't.

mixing around with people like ashton more and more as the days went on.

michael noticed the boy was spending more time talking to ash in the mornings, when the dirty blonde haired nightmare would lean across luke's locker and wait for him, grinning when luke finally turned up.

ashton was even convincing luke to skip lessons sometimes.

just to hang out with him instead.

and it upset michael greatly.

"hey, luke?" michael said, as he caught luke in the morning. michael had already seen ashton waiting for luke at the boy's locker, and wanted to stop this from happening.

"what, michael? can you move? i've got somewhere to be." he said with no interest, trying to push past his best friend.

"no." michael said, holding onto luke's shoulder and stopping the boy where he was in the halls, turning him to look at him in the eye.

"what is it? make it quick please." luke sighed.

"why don't we hang out as much anymore?" michael asked with puppy dog eyes.

of course, michael already knew why. he'd seen luke go with ashton at lunch times instead, and go and sit with calum and him in trees or under them because luke couldn't climb that well. he'd seen it all. he just wanted luke to tell him it himself, and confirm it all.

"what? don't be stupid michael. we literally hung out yesterday at lunch!" luke scoffed, smiling stupidly.

michael wasn't smiling though.

"that was the first time in two weeks we've hung out." michael said blankly.

the smile was wiped off luke's face.

"i'm not stupid you know luke. i just- i thought we were best friends? but i've seen you hanging out w- with other people?" michael said, adding a small laugh at the end that was mocking luke in a way. "you didn't turn up to english yesterday because you went with ashton and calum, of all people, instead. what's going on?" michael asked, brokenly.

luke said nothing, and bit his lip. he'd recently got the side pierced. michael knew ashton had convinced him to do it.

"you don't even act like yourself anymore when we hang out." michael went on. "and look at you. you're not even wearing the same stuff anymore. you dress more feminine now? and you pierced your lip? what's happening to you?"


"don't try to give me excuses. i know ashton is behind this. you were going to meet him just now weren't you? i bet he's waiting, disappointed his 'boyfriend' hasn't turned up." michael snarled.

"who said i'm his boyfriend?" luke laughed. "i can do what i want michael. as for you complaining about me getting a simple piercing and 'changing', have you seen yourself? you got your eyebrow pierced. why can't i have piercings? you even got a tattoo!" luke accused, looking shocked and confused, upset.

michael laughed again. "not under the influence of someone like ashton, though." he spat.

they went quiet.

"don't talk to me anymore." michael said angrily, storming away, half expecting luke to go after him.

but he didn't.

luke went to his locker,

to meet ash.


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