twelve ;; hurt

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"luke!" ashton shouted as he ran out of the coffee shop as well, trying to relocate lover boy. he couldn't see him anywhere, and it was starting to rain.

eventually, he managed to find who he was looking for. luke was sat on a bench with his knees tucked up to his chest. as ashton came closer, he heard small sobs coming from the younger boy.

"luke?" ashton said softly.

"fuck off ashton." luke mumbled, not moving an inch. ash had a job to hear him.

ashton sighed, scratching the back of his neck and looking up and down the road. he couldn't see the dork with the long hair anymore, so at least part of his plan had worked. now all he needed to do was get back in luke's good books.

something he hadn't even achieved before.

"i'm sorry." ashton said gently, sounding pretty meaningful as he came and sat next to luke, one arm around the small boy.

luke tried to shrug it away, but was unsuccessful, and ash didn't move.

"why do you have to ruin everything i do?" luke said between little sobs, eventually moving his face out of his knees, and looking at ashton.

ashton took the moment to look at how pretty luke was when he was crying.

his eyes were red and puffy, his pupils dilated, and a tear still rolling down his cheek. he was pouting and his lips were redder than usual, as if he'd been biting them. his normally perfect quiff was messed up and a little curly. ashton decided he liked this side of luke.

"what do you mean?" ashton said bluntly, trying not to just laugh in luke's face as if he was calum.

luke sighed and turned away, looking down at his pink vans that'd been scuffed a little, and sighing at that as well. he liked to keep things looking perfect and clean and pretty, especially his shoes.

"that was my date. i did tell you that didn't i? i warned you?" luke said, more tears rolling down his cheeks again now.

ashton felt his heart hurt at the sight of it.

"i-" he stopped himself, unsure what to even say. what did he say to luke? what would be good enough to cover up, or at least try to make what he did seem okay? nothing. it was a shitty thing to do, even from ashton. even he knew that. "i'm sorry." he said simply, biting his own lip now, also looking down at the floor.

"is sorry even good enough." luke asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

ashton said nothing. he expected luke to get up and leave, and go after the dorky kid with the long brown hair.


both ashton and luke lifted their heads to see a red fluffy haired boy with a fresh, new looking eyebrow piercing, grinning wildly, but at the same time looking confused.

then ashton realised it was michael.

"the fuck happened to you?" ashton scoffed, looking michael up and down. he was wearing a denim jacket and possibly the most ripped grey shirt ashton had ever seen anyone wear, paired with black converse and tight black skinny jeans.

"what's that supposed to mean? i should be the one asking questions. how about i start with, uh, hmm, let me see." he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and turning to luke. "luke, where the fuck is harry? and why are you with ashton?"

luke bit his lip and said nothing. that was when michael noticed his tear stained face.

"o- what happened?" michael asked, his voice softening up a lot as he came and pushed ashton's arm away, replacing it with his own and wiping a tear away with his finger. "what did ashton do to you?" he asked, accusingly.

ashton laughed and shook his head, eyes evil. "i like how you immediately assume i've done something terrible to your crush." ashton said, narrowing his eyes.

"he's my fucking best friend! and i think anyone in their right mind would immediately accuse you if you're the one sat beside him looking guilty as fuck, when he's supposed to be on a date right now with his boyfriend!" michael spat, rubbing circles in luke's back.

luke had started crying again. he hated people shouting.

ashton noticed this, and was more than angered.

"you're making him cry again dipshit! stop fucking yelling!" ashton shouted back, kind of contradicting his own words.

"how about you take some of your own advice, buddy?" michael scowled.

"i'm not your fucking buddy, so don't call me that."

"oh yeah? you gonna stop me?"

"shut the fuck up!" luke said, getting up and pushing michael out of the way. silence grew between the three. "i'm tired of this bullshit. both of you fuck off. leave me alone. i don't want to see anyone. either of you. anyone at all. just fuck off!" luke cried, running away from his best friend and the boy who he might have a slight crush on.

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