eleven ;; harry, again

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"i've got a boyfriend."

liz looked up at her son, who had mascara on with a light purple eyeshadow placed prettily on his eyes, wearing an oversized pink sweater and black skinny jeans, his favourite light pink vans on his feet.

"a boyfriend?" liz smiled at him, getting up and pulling him in for a hug, kissing his cheek. "that's wonderful sweetheart! who is he? what's his name?" she smiled brightly.

luke felt butterflies in his tummy, and blushed lightly.

"he's called harry." he giggled shyly.

"that's a pretty name." liz complimented, sitting back down in her seat and finishing eating her cereal.

it was the weekend, and she'd be leaving soon to go and do some cleaning at Mr and Mrs Horan's house. she usually cleaned his place on a saturday.

"are you going out to meet him?" she asked, seeing that her son was all pretty and usually only wore makeup under certain circumstances.

"it's a first date." luke giggled again, skipping out of the kitchen and going back up the stairs to his room to get his light pink vans bag that had came with his shoes, and swinging it over his shoulder, coming back down to burrow a £20 note from his mum, who kissed him goodbye and watched him skip away happily out of the door.

he was meeting harry at the local starbucks in town, about 5 minutes away from luke's house. he'd woken up late this morning though, since he'd stayed up later than usual to talk to harry and arrange plans. he never really asked for his parents permission when leaving the house nowadays, since at weekends his mum was never around anyway, and he was always told in weeks advance if his dad was due home that weekend so that he wouldn't go leaving on those dates.

he felt his phone buzz and saw that it was a message from harry, saying he was already there.

luke smiled to himself, walking a little faster. he didn't want to disappoint harry on their first date together, and really had made an effort to look good for him. he hoped that he noticed.

he turned a corner and saw starbucks start to come into sight, and pulled his phone out.

luke: are you indoors somewhere? or outside? i can't see anyone outside xx

harry: indoors! i got a table and a drink for you, hope you like caramel ;) xx

luke's tummy did a little flip as he smiled and shoved his phone carelessly into his pocket, entering the starbucks and scanning for a boy with long, brown hair. he spotted harry and rushed over to him, giving him a hug. "hey." he said, sitting down opposite him.

"i ordered you a drink. i thought it'd be rude if i didn't buy you something. i can't really afford clothes right now." he half joked, taking a sip of his own drink and handing luke one.

luke nodded and laughed a little, not really understanding the joke, but laughing anyway. "so, how are you? michael said you were eager to see me." luke smiled.

harry rolled his eyes and laughed. "how eager?"

"pretty eager."

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