five ;; skater

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it was the weekend, and luke was in his room, his easel in front of the big window in his bedroom, air blowing onto his face gently as he painted a picture.

he wasn't aware of what he was drawing most of the time. he liked to paint and sketch whatever came to his mind.

and right now, all he could think of was ashton irwin.

the kid who stared at him in art, and leant on his locker.

yesterday he had seen the boy skate past his house from his window about an hour after school ended. he just happened to be watching the kids playing outside in front of their house when he saw ashton go by.

he could've sworn that ashton looked up at him and winked.

but maybe that was just his imagination.

he kept thinking, as he painted.

why would he have imagined that? he didn't like ashton. he was evil. luke knew what that boy had done to girls in the past, and he knew he didn't even have good grades. sure, ashton might be easily good looking, but luke didn't have feelings for him, and he didn't want to be friends with him either.

but of course, it was just his luck that ashton seemed fixated with him.

even calum, ashton's only friend, was fixated on michael.

the two of them were awful when they were together.

luke heard the comments ashton made about how pretty luke would look tied up in his bedroom, and how cute his butt was when he swayed his hips when he walked. luke didn't tell ashton that he heard all the strange, sexual things that he said about the boy, but he made sure he swayed his hips more when he walked past ashton, just to tease him.

luke came back to his senses, looking at what he had painted in front of him, and feeling frustration and anger boil up inside of him when he saw he had painted a picture of ashton, on his skateboard, how he had looked when he skated past his house yesterday, his hair messy but pretty, and his shirt lazily untucked. he'd even included minor details like the mysterious white stain the boy had on his trousers.

he sighed, and pulled the painting off of the easel, and put the picture underneath his desk, out of sight, and out of mind.

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