three ;; gum

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"do you have to chew your gum so loudly, ashton?"

ash turned away from calum to see luke stood behind him, trying to get to his locker, which was conveniently where ashton was standing.

"hey princess." ashton smiled, deciding to try his luck with the boy. afterall, in the words of michael clifford, yolo.

luke pulled a face, but ashton didn't miss the light blush that dusted across his cute cheeks and little nose. "don't call me things like that. please could you move? you're leaning right on my locker."

ashton obliged, deciding not to pick on the kid too much today.

calum watched michael who was following luke. ashton had observed already that the two seemed to be best friends, since michael was the only person he ever saw him with.

"you got somewhere to be in a hurry, princess?" ashton asked, chewing his gum even louder than before, if that was possible, almost in an attempt to piss luke off, just to get a reaction from the smaller boy.

"if you actually bothered to pay attention in school, maybe you'd worry about getting to lessons late as well, ashton. goodbye." luke said with a fake smile that disappeared almost immediately as he and michael left and walked down the halls, turning the corner, out of ashton's sight.

calum just laughed. "and you say you're gonna be with him someday?"

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