nineteen ;; self care

216 11 5

luke and ashton sat together in ashton's small, messy room. he'd recently moved out, away from his parents, and there were still boxes dotted around the house with things in that he hadn't got round to unboxing yet. luke wasn't too bothered by the mess though. he was happy to be with ashton.

the two sat cross-legged on his bed, foreheads pressed together, giggling and talking the night away, holding each other's hands, and enjoying each other's company.

today was the day ashton had popped the big question.

he'd asked luke if he'd be his boyfriend.

he was going to go straight in for the kill and go for just straight up asking luke to marry him, but he thought it'd be best to take things 'slow'.

luke, of course, had accepted.

the two had a comfortable silence grow between them, and ashton saw this as a beautiful opportunity to make a little speech to lukey. he felt a little weird if anything, he'd always taken the piss out of couples who were all lovey dovey before, but now he completely understood it and was being the same toward his baby.

this kind of thing didn't come naturally to ash, he'd only been with three people in his life, and two of those had been girls who had dumped him in a week for better people, aka, people ash used to be close friends with. which was why he didn't get girlfriends, and his only friend was calum.

luke didn't know that though.

he was in a similar boat to ashton, he'd been on a few dates, like the ones michael had tried to set up for him, but he'd had a crush on ashton that kept growing, and found it hard to ignore those feelings he had toward the boy, which kinda sucked at the time, but now he couldn't be more grateful for it all and how everything had planned out.

this was an ending luke was happy to complete.

"luke?" ashton whispered, smiling as they moved apart a little, still close, and only a few inches away from the other's face.

"yeah, ashy?" luke giggled, staring into ashton's pretty eyes the way ashton had done to him months before luke had even registered that he liked the trouble maker. it was so weird to him. an artist and a skater.. an angel and a devil.. equalled a perfect couple?

"i love you so much." ashton said, for what must have been the one hundereth time that day. he took both of luke's hands in his, and caressed the back with his thumb as he held them, both smiling brightly.

"i love you more." luke promised.

"whatever, i can't be bothered to fight you right now, but you know i love you most." ashton said with a laugh.

the two started to close the space between them again, until their foreheads were together, and eventually, their lips were together.

they moved in sync together, happiness radiating off of them both.

"i love you, ashton." luke said.

"i love you too, luke."

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