four ;; friends?

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luke went through the rest of his day annoyed and pretty pissed. he'd been in a significantly bad mood since he woke up due to the fact his brothers had been particularly annoying this morning, and ashton's name calling only flustered him, and that made things worse.

"are you friends with ashton?" michael whispered, once they were sat together in maths, supposed to be focusing on a test.

luke sighed. he couldn't focus on anything right now.

"no." he whispered back, looking up at the teachers desk to make sure no one had twigged that they were talking during an exam. it was unlike luke to do this sort of thing, and he really had no idea why he was anyway. michael didn't usually either. "why would you think that?"

"he always leans over your locker, or somewhere near it, and he stares at you in art a lot. i- i- i just thought maybe y-"

"well, we aren't." luke interrupted, going back to working out the difficult maths sums in front of him.

michael got the message and shut up too.

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