ten ;; smoking kills, but so does a broken heart

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"his cunting best friend is trying to get him a boyfriend!" ashton said angrily to calum as the two sat in one of the trees on the school's field, up high so that no one could really see them with how dense the oak tree was. he pulled out his packet of cigarettes, offering calum one, and lit them both, breathing in the smoke. "what the fuck have i even done to upset them. i was nice to him. why can't that michael kid just fuck off. if he wasn't around, i could have luke already."

calum said nothing, drawing the cig up to his own lips and sighing. "yeah, well, things don't work like that." he said bluntly, smoking his as well. "i thought you said you were trying to stop smoking?"

ashton laughed and shook his head, keeping the fag by his mouth, playing with it in his fingers, twisting it around them. "changed my mind." he said softly, looking out through the branches at the empty field. everyone was in lessons. "you seen luke recently?"

"nope. i don't keep an eye out for him, unlike you." calum scoffed, dropping his cig and sighing as he watched it fall to the bottom of the tree. "sure hope it doesn't set fire." he joked.

ashton sighed and finished his own cigarette, making sure his was out before he dropped it and watched his fall beside cal's on the floor at the bottom of the huge oak tree, and he sighed again. "what should i do?" he asked.

"stop smoking." calum joked, putting on a funny voice for the next half of his sentence, "'smoking kills'." he laughed.

"so does a broken heart." ashton mumbled, annoyed.

calum and him started to climb down from the tree together, ashton going first and letting calum use him to stand on to try and hop down. he never was good at climbing trees like ash was.

"i think you're exaggerating." calum said as they started to walk across the field to go to art late. "i didn't realise you actually liked the kid. i thought we were just, you know.. messing." calum said with a shrug.

ashton shook his head, seeming frustrated. "i don't like him, i just don't want other people touching what's mine." he huffed as they eventually got into the school. surprisingly, no teachers had come looking for him and calum yet, and no one really was in the halls, teacher wise, so ash assumed they were safe and would make it to art fine.

they went to art without saying another word, and ashton watched luke from where he was sat as he usually did.

and this time,

luke didn't look back up at him.

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