thirteen ;; yelling at your best friend

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luke stayed in his room for the rest of the day, watching tv for a little while. he didn't eat anything. he'd lost his appetite. instead, he was texting harry back and forth for a little while, the two of them trying to get to the bottom and understand what had happened.

harry: so who's the guy?

harry: said he's your boyfriend.

luke: i know, i'm sorry, i don't know who he is

harry: you know that from my point of view that sounds really shitty, right?

luke: it sounds shitty from my point of view

luke: i can't tell you anything else

luke: that's the truth

harry: so? are we going to try again?

luke: if you want to

harry: you don't seem that interested

luke: i'm sorry, i am, i'm just stressed as you can imagine.

harry: yeah, it's alright, me too, this day's been weird.

harry: i'm still in the area if you wanted to work something out right now?

luke: can we just arrange it for some other time? i'm really tired and my mum's going to be home soon.

harry: yeah, of course.

harry: maybe you should try and get some sleep.

harry: i'm going to try and sleep on things too, sweet dreams.

luke: yeah, sure

luke: goodnight

luke sighed and dropped his phone down beside himself and turned the tv off, pulling his duvet over his small frame and cuddling into it. it smelt like cologne, which was weird, since he never wore cologne, he liked perfume. cologne was a manly thing. and manly luke was not.

"luke? you in there?" came a hiss from the window.

luke sighed, recognising the voice instantly as being michael's. he turned over in his bed and looked over to the window, seeing the curtains move out of the way and michael climb in, smiling. "hey." luke mumbled.

"you're going to sleep at 4?" michael giggled, climbing across luke and laying beside him, looking at him, booping the boy's cute nose.

luke managed a little giggle as well and shrugged. "who says i can't sleep at 4?"

"me." michael rolled his eyes. "so? what happened today? i know you said not to go after you, but after having words with ashton.. i thought it'd be unfair not to get your side of events. i expect he lied anyway." michael said.

luke blinked. "you asked ash?" he whispered.

"well, i wanted answers. like i said, he probably lied, soo.."

luke laughed, but it wasn't a serious laugh. just some sort of reply. he went blank, his mind numb. he didn't really want to explain things to michael. after all, he didn't even feel that bothered by it all now. maybe this was supposed to happen. he wasn't really into harry anyway.

"i don't think i'm keen on going on anymore dates." luke shrugged.

"did ashton have anything to do with that?" michael scowled.

luke blushed and shook his head, but michael saw right through the lies.

"we've been best friends for three years, and i've known you for five, luke hemmings. i can read you better than anyone. hell, i know everything about you, virtually. i'm the closest person to you. i'm literally your brother at this point." michael said, staring at luke.

"okay?" luke said quietly.

"okay?" michael repeated with a laugh. "i know you're lying, and you just don't want to tell me what happened. i just want you to be happy luke. and ashton isn't the way to happiness, that i can assure you. why can't you just listen to me for once?"

"i've listened to you all my damn life, michael!" luke said, something inside of him snapping, and certainly throwing michael off a little. luke rarely ever yelled at anyone, let alone someone like michael. mike was right. he was the closest person to luke. his best friend. he had never yelled at him or questioned anything the boy had said or asked of him, because after all, they're best friends. you don't question people like that.

both of them stayed quiet, the room tense and thick.

"i'm sorry. i just care about you a lot. i don't want some idiot like ashton messing you up." michael said slowly , with a sigh.

"it's okay. i know." luke said, cuddling into michael's side. "i love you, thanks for caring about me so much. i guess i'm just not used to it." luke said with a little giggle.

it still amazed michael how the boy could go from yelling to being cute in no time.

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