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~Luna's POV~

I wondered around until I found what I was looking for, a training room and a radio. I walk over to the radio and turn it on before walking to the middle of the room. The room is flooded with shadows that turn into black and grey faceless creatures. They surround me as I get into a fighting stance, turning in a slow circle so that I can see them all. A song begins to come from the radio as the faceless creatures jump at me, throwing kicks, scratches, and punches. I fight them all off as I begin to have little flashbacks of my childhood, of a time before my brothers were like this.

11 year old Loki teaching 8 year old me magic as our mother watches with a smile.

I fight harder, destroying one creature which makes two more pop up.

15 year old Thor teaching a 12 year old me how to use a sword, our father watching us while a 14 year old Loki sits under a tree reading.

I kick, punch, strangle, and break the necks of the creatures as more memories flash infront of my eyes.

A 15 year old me riding through Asgard on horse back with a 18 year old Thor and a 17 year old Loki. Laughing and smiling the whole way.

I jump over a creature that was trying to kick my legs out from underneath me before slamming my right fist into the metal floor, leaving behind a hole in the floor as a shockwave of magic is sent around me destroying all the creatures. I stand up panting, dark black red blood dripping from my now cut up knuckles as I look at the shadows that slowly are going back to where they came from. I feel a hand come to rest on my shoulder making me whirl around and try to punch the unknown person only to see my hand get caught by Steve. I look up at him still panting as he inspects the bleeding hand that I was going to punch him with.

"You know you shouldn't beat yourself up over what Dr. Banner said about Loki" Steve says as I pull my hand out of his grip.

"Feeling pain helps me remember that my rage doesn't numb everything" I say as I sit down on a nearby bench. Out of the corner of my eye I see Steve sit down on the bench next to my as I look at the blood that's drying up on my hand.

"Banner didn't mean to offend you, he was just stating that we shouldn't focus on Loki because he's locked up" Steve says trying to calm me down.

"If I know my brother, and I do, he won't stay locked up forever" I say as I close my hand into a fist, wincing slightly when I feel a shock of pain.

"Hold that thought" Steve says as he stands up and walks off before coming back with a white box that has a red plus sign on it. I look at the box in confusion as Steve opens it, revealing medical supplies of some sort.

I see Steve grab my injured hand and pull it towards him as I ask "what are you doing?"

"Patching up your hand" Steve says as he begins to clean the blood off my hand with a little wipe of sorts that's damp with a liquid that stings when it runs over my knuckles.

"It looks like you've done this before" I say as I watch him wrap up my now clean hand.

"Yes well let's just say I've had my fair share of busted open bloody knuckles. Luna do you mind if I ask you a question?" Steve asks as he ties off the bandage.

"Is that your question?" I ask, a grin on my face as I laugh slightly.

"Haha very funny. But I'm going to be honest with you Luna, I saw the black tears and I saw the red almost black blood. So my question is, what does all that mean for you?" Steve asks as he gently puts my hand down.

"It's complicated. You may not trust me if you know the truth, not even Thor knows why I'm like this" I say as I look Steve in the eyes.

"Luna I know we only just met a few hours ago but I feel like I can trust you. The real question is, do you trust me?" Steve asks as we stare at each other.

"I don't know what it is about you Steve, but I feel like I can trust you. But I can't explain it to you here, where there are prying eyes and cameras" I say as I look at a camera that's in the corner of the ceiling.

"Well then tell me where you want to go and we'll go there" Steve says as he goes to stand up.

"That won't be necessary Steve. Just follow my lead" I say as I get off the bench and sit Indian style on the ground.

"Sit across from me Indian style and raise your right hand" I say and Steve follows my order. I raise my left hand and press our palms together, intertwining our fingers. My hand looking small compared to his as I say "now press your forehead to mine and closes your eyes."

"What?" Steve asks in confusion.

"Don't ask questions man just do it" I say and Steve presses his forehead to mine, closing his eyes. I close my eyes as well, muttering an incantation that probably sounded like gibberish to Steve as our eyes open at the same time, glowing a whitish blue.

~In the realm of shadows~

When we open our eyes we are in a world of nothing but black, grey, and purple smoke. Steve looks around in confusion and I have a neutral expression on my face since of been here many times.

"Woah where are we?" Steve asks still looking around.

"The realm of shadows, my domain. You could say that I am the Queen here. Your are the only other person to come here with me as well" I say as I smile at his shock and awe over my realm.

"Really? Then who was the other person?" Steve asks as he looks at me.

"Loki, anyways you will be allowed to stay here so long as your hand is intertwined with mine. If you let go the shadows will reject you and you will be a shell of your former self, so I suggest you don't let go of my hand Steve" I say with a playful smirk as I feel Steve's grip on my hand tighten.

"Alright. So care to explain what the black tears and almost black blood mean?" Steve asks making me sigh.

"It is a long complicated story, it started when I was 16. My abilities began to mix with my dna, altered me if that's a better way of explaining it. My physical appearance was altered as well, my golden hair turned pitch black, my blue eyes changed to resemble that of a galaxy, and my skin turned a ghostly white. At first my father thought me to be ill, so he brought healer after healer to see me but they did not find anything wrong with me" I pause in my explanation as I take a deep breath.

Steve motions for me to continue.

"So my father then thought I was cursed, so he brought in powerful sorcerer after powerful sorcerer that preformed painful spells on me. But they to found nothing wrong with me, so he assigned guards to me not to protect me but to protect the people around me if I were to show hostility. The people of Asgard thought of me as a freak and they feared me, Loki and my friend Sif were the only ones who weren't afraid. When I started showing signs of being able to control shadows Loki helped me practice. Then when I showed signs of being able to lower the sun, raise the moon, and vise versa he helped me until I could raise and lower them on my own. Loki was there for me through everything, while Thor slowly grew distant. Many years later when I turned 18 we found out that shadows and darkness take up about 50% of my body. That's why my tears as black and my blood is a black red, it was around that time that we figured out that I am stronger than everyone on Asgard, including Thor and my father" I finish explaining and I wait for Steve to hate me.

"Thank you for trusting me with this Luna, I understand that talking about this must have been hard for you" Steve says as he gives me a smile.

I smile back as I say "thank you Steve."

"For what Luna?" Steve asks as he blinks in confusion.

"For not hating me" I say as I press my forehead to his again, enjoying the peacefulness of the realm of shadows knowing we will be heading back to the chaos of the real world very soon.

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