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~Luna's POV~

"You are a disgrace Luna! You are not fit to carry such power!!" Father shouts at me as he towers over me. I try to talk but he won't let me get a word in as he continues to shout at me.

"I don't know why I ever listened to your mother and kept you! Your a runt and always will be a runt!!" Father continues to shout as he stalks forward making me back up. I look around trying to find either mom, Sif, Thor, or Loki but none of them were here to help me. I was all alone with my father.

"I'm sorry Father. I didn't mean to-" I begin to say but he cuts me off.

"And for that reason I will take your power and strip you of your royal status" my Father says before I feel pain explode in my chest as my powers and magic are ripped from me.

I wake up with a blood curdling scream and look around frantically wondering where I am, flinching when I feel a hand come to rest on my shoulder. I look at the hand and then follow it up to make a face to the person who thought it was a good idea to touch me when I'm like this. I relax a little bit when I see that it's Tony and not some random unknown doctor or agent otherwise they would have gotten hurt.

"Moonie! Welcome back from la la land" Tony says with a grin.

"Thanks, I think. How long was I out?" I ask, grimacing when I hear my hoarse voice. Tony hands me a cup of water and I begin to drink it.

"4 days" Tony says simply making me spit out the water in shock.

"What?! 4 days! That means Thor has taken Loki back to Asgard by now!!" I exclaim as I rip out the needles stuck in me and rip off patches stuck on me as I get out the bed I was on. I stumble a little bit and notice that I'm only in my chest wrappings and leather leggings, my corset dress armor missing. I quickly cover myself up with my arms as I turn to tony with a glare on my face.

"Where, are, my, clothes" I say as I continue to glare at him.

"We had to take them off of you to patch you up, and Thor hasn't left with Loki yet. He wanted to wait until you were better. Want me to tell him your awake?" Tony asks as he hands me my clothes.

"Not yet, I want to enjoy my freedom while it lasts" I say as I go to put my clothes back on but then I reconsider it and snap my fingers.

Now I'm wearing a black long sleeve crop top, black ripped jeans, black boots, and the headband that my mother gave me changes into a black crescent moon in the middle of my forehead. I look at Tony who is now staring at me in shock as I dust leftover magic and shadows off my clothes. I lay down my Asgardian clothes on the bed I was on before and then run my fingers through my hair, getting the knots out.

"Don't look so surprised, just because I'm Asgardian doesn't mean I don't know what Midgardian clothing I am comfortable in" I say as I pull out a red lipstick from out of nowhere.

I walk over to a mirror like piece of equipment and put on the lipstick before making said lipstick disappear once I'm done using it. I turn to Tony and give him a cheeky smile and a wave before I snap my fingers, changing into a shadow wisp before disappearing. I rematerialize in the middle of the still destroyed city and begin to walk around. I look around at all the destroyed buildings and leftover Chitauri bodies as I walk around, feeling guilty. I stop walking when two little kids stop infront of me looking sad and hungry as they stare up at me. I think a little bit before putting my hands behind my back and use my magic to make two apples appear in my hands. I bring my hands infront of me again and hand the apples to the little boys.

They look at each other, then at the apples, and then at me to make sure it's really okay for them to have the apples. I nod with a smile on my face making the two little kids grin then they give me a quick hug around the waist before they run off somewhere else.

"That was really sweet of you to do" I hear behind me and turn around to see Steve.

"They looked like they needed it. So what are you doing here, come to drag me back to wherever we were before?" I ask as I continue walking.

"No just coming to see if your okay. Tony said you wanted to enjoy your freedom while it lasts. What did you mean by that?" Steve asks as he begins to walk next to me.

"Knowing my tyrant of a father as soon as I get back to Asgard I will no longer have the freedom to come and go as I please" I explain as I look forward instead of looking at Steve.

"Can he really do that to you?" Steve asks making me look at him.

"Yes he can. Now can we please change the subject Steve? I really don't want to think about that right now" I say before Steve grabs my hand and drags me in the opposite direction of where I was walking.

"Steve where are you taking me?!" I exclaim as he drags me through the city with him.

"I'm going to help you enjoy your freedom while you still have it" Steve says still dragging me through the city.

"But where are we going?" I ask as I see we are getting farther away from where we were before.

"Brooklyn" Steve says simply which makes me confused.

"What's a Brooklyn?" I ask in confusion.

"You'll see" Steve says making me even more confused.

I silently follow Steve deciding to let him do this, wanting to be able to spend the time that I have left on Midgard with Steve.

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