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~Luna's POV~

I managed to get back to the palace before the others and I was not planning on waiting for them. I quickly give my horse to the stable boy before I begin speed walking into the palace, not stopping for anyone. I weave my way around people and I only say hi and bye to them when they greet me. I head to my room, going inside and lock myself in there, planning on not leaving unless I desperately need to. I sigh to myself and head into my private wash room, planning on taking a nice long bath to get rid of the blood and sweat stink. But before I could there is a knock on my door and I groan in frustration.

"What?!" I yell as I turn around to look at the door.

"It is I Fandral" I hear Fandral say from the other side of the door.

I open the door revealing the one guy in all of Asgard that I truly hate and I ask "what do you want Fandral?"

"Just to challenge the princess to a sparing match" Fandral says with a smirk.

"You literally just asked for me to kick your ass unintentionally" I say as I push past him, bumping my shoulder with his as I walk.

I hear him follow behind me as we head to the training arena, Fandral trying to spark a conversation with me. I completely ignore him as we get to the arena and I head over to the middle of the arena. I turn to Fandral and draw my swords, planning on winning no matter what Fandral tries to do. I look at Fandral with an unimpressed look as he draws his sword with a smirk.

"Prepare to loose" Fandral says as he gets in his battle stance.

"In your dreams" I say with a scoff.

"Indeed" Fandral says trying to flirt but I just roll my eyes.

"Are we here to talk or fight? I'm not getting any younger" I say with a bored expression on my face.

"If that is what you wish then yes we shall fight" Fandral says as I get into my battle stance.

That is all I need to hear before I charge at Fandral, my swords clashing with his as fight each other. Fandral got the upper hand for only a moment before I kick him in the stomach sending him flying backwards. I feel someone watching use and my eyes widen at what I see out of the corner of my eye. Father is watching, he's never watched me spar before, Thor's the only one who's ever been interesting enough to watch fight in my fathers eyes. Fandral took advantage and slashed his sword at me but I duck just in time. I stand up straight only to see an in ch of my very long bangs fall away having been cut by Fandral's sword. I stare at the pieces of hair on the ground in shock before growling as I look at Fandral.

"You are so dead now!" I yell as I slash my swords at him wildly.

Fandral begins to back up as my swords hit his and I growl again because none of my slashes are actually hitting him. I manage to disarm him before I kick him in the chest sending him flying. Fandral falls and tumbles across the ground grunting in pain all the way until he stops rolling. I stalk towards him as he sits up and I hold the tip of my sword next to his neck making him gulp.

"I could kill you, but I don't feel like being trapped in Niflheim for a couple thousand decades" I say as I take my blade away from his neck, turning away from him.

"You have never been this enraged during our spars, what is on your mind princess?" Fandral asks as he stands up.

"That is none of your business" I say before I walk away, heading back to my room quickly.

~Odin's POV~

I silently watch as Luna holds the tip of her sword at Fandral's neck, she seems agitated at something. I was about to go and confront Luna on this topic but she quickly leaves before I can. I sigh to myself, deciding to go to Thor to question him on this topic. I find him talking to Frigga and I walk up to them, drawing their attention to me.

"My son, your sister seems agitated. Do you know what might have caused this?" I ask as I look at my son.

"It is not my place to say father, but it may have to do with Luna having to leave Midgard" Thor explains making me nod.

"Inform your sister that I would like to speak with her in my study, it seems she does not wish to see me" I say before heading to my study wondering what would make my daughter not want to leave Midgard. I sit down in my chair with a book, reading until there is a knock on my door, I set my book down and stand up.

"Enter" I say and the door opens revealing Thor.

"I am sorry father, Luna refuses to come see you at this time. She said something about visiting Loki down in the dungeon" Thor says making me frown.

"Go with her, I do not want your sister alone with Loki" I say and Thor nods, leaving to go find Luna.

I sigh, wondering what did I do wrong when it came to Luna, she was such a happy child when she was younger. That is until I called in the healers and sorcerers to find out what was wrong with her.

I stand by watching as a healer studies a 16 year old Luna before the healer turns to me with an apologetic look on her face.

"I am sorry my king, but there is nothing physical wrong with princess Luna" she explains to me.

"You are dismissed" I say and the healer bows before leaving.

I summon a sorcerer and he comes into Luna's room. He begins to say an incantation making Luna's body begin to glow before she starts thrashing around, screaming in pain. I watch, feeling a pain in my heart as my daughter begins to sob. Incantation after incantation and my daughter still does not change back to her former self.

"I am sorry, but whatever has happened to her is apart of her dna. There is no cure for her changes" the sorcerer says and I sigh in frustration.

"Leave us" I say and the sorcerer leaves after bowing.

I look at the closed door before walking over to my sobbing daughter who is curled up in the middle of her bed. I place my hand on her shoulder but she smacks it away, glaring at me.

"Don't touch me!" Luna yell before scrambling off of her bed, throwing her room door open as she runs out probably heading to Loki's room.

I blink as the memory goes away, feeling guilty that I ever put my daughter through that in the first place. I stroke my beard, wondering what I could do to gain my daughters forgiveness, if I can still gain her forgiveness.

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