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~Luna's POV~

I hear yelling from outside and the Natasha bursts into the room making me and Loki look at her. I quickly jump away from Loki and stand up, straightening out my skirt before picking up the staff. I walk over to Natasha and hand her the staff as she gives me a look of confusion before I look over at Loki and he already knows what I'm about to say.

"Go, stop your friends from doing something stupid" Loki says and I give him a small smile before I turn to Natasha.

"Can I borrow that little silver thing in your ear?" I ask as I hold out my hand.

"Yea sure" Natasha says before handing it over to me. I wipe it off on my skirt real quick before putting it in my ear as I run over to the shattered window.

"Don't do anything stupid just yet boys cause I'm about to crash this little party of yours" I say as I jump out the window head first. I fall down to the ground as my skirt and hair blow wildly in the wind.

"Luna what are you doing?!" Steve exclaims in shock.

"Crashing in on your little party Stevie, well more so crashing in on Tony" I say as I start flying next to Tony thanks to the shadows and my magic. Tony turns his head towards me and I'm pretty sure his eyes have widened in shock under his helmet thing. I grin at him as I fly next to him giving him a nod.

"What the hell are you doing up here Moonie? And how are you flying?!" Tony exclaims in shock.

"Magic" I say while making jazz hands as I kick him out from under the metal thing he's carrying.

"Luna what are you doing?!?" I hear Steve yell through the little thing in my ear.

"This is the part where I'm supposed to say something heroic and make you all feel better but I won't cause I'm not good at that kinda shit. If I do this then no one else dies Steve, and I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances. Good bye Steve, tell my brothers I love them and give Tony a good punch in the face for me" I say as I fly both me and the piece of metal into the portal.

I try to throw it in deeper but it explodes only a few feet away from me. The blast sends me flying backwards and combined with the low air pressure of the portal causes me to black out. Nothing runs through my mind but the memories of my family and Steve.

~Steve's POV~

I watch on edge waiting for Luna to come out and make a snarky comment or atleast tackle her brother in a hug, but nothing. I grip at my shield as I stare at the portal, watching and waiting for Luna.

"Close it Natasha" I hear Tony say making me look at him.

"You can't do that Tony! Luna's still in there!!" I yell at Tony making me look at him.

"Look Moonie took the bomb away from me for a reason Steve. She didn't want other people to die so let's respect her wishes and close that god damn portal!" Tony yells at me as the face plate of his helmet lifts up to reveal he's also not happy about this either.

I sigh in frustration and give the go ahead even though I was not happy about it. I see the portal begin to close silently begging any merciful god that might be watching for Luna to get out before it closed fully. I was just about to give up hope when I see a body cladded in all black begin to fall out of the now closed portal. I squint to try and see who it is and then my eyes widen when I recognize that it's Luna falling from the sky. I quickly run up a huge pile of rubble and use every ounce of strength that I have to jump up and catch Luna in mid air. I hold her close and turn so that my back and shield would take most of the impact when we hit the ground. Us hitting the ground leaves behind a creator but thanks to my shield taking most of the force from hitting the ground we weren't seriously injured.

I sit up and lay Luna down so that I can check on her and what little hope I had slipped away when I saw that she wasn't moving. Believing her to be dead I lower my head in sadness, that is until Hulk scares her awake by roaring in her face.

"Aaahh!" Luna screams as she jumps awake.

"Mooney! Welcome back to the land of the living" Tony says with a smirk.

Luna looks from Tony, to Thor, to Hulk before she looks at me.

"Please tell me they didn't kiss me"

"Don't worry no one kissed you" I say as I stand up and hold out my hand to her.

She looks at my hand before taking it and I pull her into a standing position but she stumbles a little bit. Luna ends up stumbling into me and I steady us both, holding her close to my chest just incase. I look down at Luna who is looking up at me while blinking and I see her cheeks turn slightly red.

"Hey Steve, you ever tried shawarma? I dunno what it is but it sounds good doesn't it?" Luna asks me with a smile on her face. I blink at the question before thinking about an answer.

"No I haven't, but let's focus on Loki first" I say as I reluctantly let go of Luna.

"Okay. . .and then shawarma?" Luna asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yes and then shawarma now let's go get your crazy brother Mooney" Tony says making Luna look at him.

"Fine, but your buying" Luna says before she runs towards stark tower while laughing as we follow behind her, acting like her normal self.

Well as normal as she can get.

~Loki's POV~

I look up when I hear my sisters boots clicking against the floor, a happy smile on her face along with a blush. I smirk and cross my arms as I look at my sister, happy that she's happy but also curious as to what is making her so happy.

"Well, don't you seem happy" I say making her look at me as the rest of her rag tag team walk in.

"So what if I am, you against happiness or something?" Luna asks as she playfully glares at me.

"No but I would like to know what's making my little sister so happy" I say as I cross my arms.

"I don't think that's any of your business" Luna says trying not to laugh at the fact that we're arguing.

"On the contrary it is my business cause I'm your brother" I say and we stare at each other for a little bit before we start laughing, shocking everyone including Thor.

Luna clutches her stomach as she laughs and when she moves her hand away I see that it's covered in blood. I quickly go over to her and look at where her hand was and I see a pretty nasty cut on her side.

"Luna your bleeding" I say trying to stay calm.

"Huh? Oh it appears I am, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to faint. Right now" Luna says before she faints falling forward into my arms.

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