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~Luna's POV~

I begin to wake up, feeling cold metal against my bare skin. I slowly push myself up off the floor, looking around seeing that I'm still in the room containing Loki's cell but no Loki.

"Damn it!" I yell as I get to my feet. I run out of the room and down the hallways only to come face to face with the green rage monster.

I stand still and stare at him as he notices me. He charges at me and I close my eyes as he decides to roar directly in my face, spraying spit on me and assaulting my noes with his bad breath. I wipe the spit off of my face as I glare at the giant green man infront of me, not in the mood to deal with any of this.

"Listen, I am having a really tough day and I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit. So out of my way you heaping bag of fuck knuckles 'efores I ends you!" I shout getting up in his face as I glare, daring him to just try and smash me into the floor.

Surprisingly he backs off as he asks "pretty goddess, upset with Hulk?"

I sigh as I say "I'm not upset with you, Hulk."

Hulk's head tilts in confusion, almost like a puppy "what upset pretty goddess?"

"A puny god" I say as I walk around Hulk. I hear large loud footsteps behind me and look behind me to see Hulk following me like a lost puppy.

"Freeze Hulk!" people infront of me shout, pointing guns at Hulk.

"Ah fuck!" I yell before ducking out of the line of fire and into another hallway just as I hear Hulk roar in anger. I hear screams and the sound of a large form crashing through walls mean Hulk's gone back to smashing things.

I start walking down the hall trying to clear my head until this place tilted making me stumble.

"What the hell?! Whoever's flying this damn thing better learn how to fly it better or so help me they will be dead by the time I'm done with them!" I yell as I stumble into the wall.

I use the wall as leverage and start to shuffle up the hall, making sure to dig my fingers into the wall whenever I felt the place shift leaving behind finger shaped dents. When the place finally levels out I'm able to walk normally so I stalk around even more annoyed trying to find Loki. When I don't find him I start seething in anger as I slam a door open, stalk into the little meeting room where my brother and the Midgardians are. Thor looks up when he hears the door slam open and that draws everyone's attention to me.

"Where the hell is he?!" I yell in absolute rage, darkness radiating off of me.

"Who, Loki?" Tony asks drawing my attention to him.

"Yes Loki now answer the fucking question!" I yell at him as I glare.

"We don't know now don't get your panties in a twist princess" Tony says and I grab him by the front of his neck lifting him a foot of the ground.

"Your lucky my rage is focused elsewhere otherwise I would snap your neck without a second thought for that comment" I growl out with venom in every word as he grips at my wrist trying to get me to let go of his neck. I let go of his neck making him crash down to the ground as I turn to the others and if looks could kill they would all be burning in the depths of hell.

"Sister, calm down. Please" Thor says as he tries to place a hand on my shoulder but I slap it away.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down Thor! I have every reason to be anything but calm" I say while glaring at my brother and I could feel what little control that I had over my powers start to slip away as I get madder but I could care less at the moment.

"What's got you so pissed off?" Natasha asks making me turn to her.

"What's got me so pissed off you ask? What's got me so pissed off is that Loki has become the bad guy of this situation while Thor stands by and does nothing! He stands here surrounded by morons, plus Steve, who can't even keep track of one fucking person!! You all stand here telling me to calm down. Well here's the thing, I can't fucking calm down!" I yell as I loose complete control of my powers, sending everything and everyone flying back from waves of magic and shadows.

I stand in the middle of the room surrounded by fallen objects and people as I pant through my nose. I look around before closing my eyes in frustration as I snap my fingers, turning into a shadow wisp before traveling far away from everyone. I materialize right in the middle of a city, New York to be exact and I start my journey into the city to find Loki. I started to get very tired the farther as I walked farther and farther into the city. I end up sitting down in an abandoned building and that's when I broke down.

"I don't know what to do anymore" I mumble as the tears begin to fall. I had to fight my brother, I realize that now, but it's just going to break my heart more.

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