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Miles into the desert of New Mexico a Jeep containing two scientists and the queen of tasing towards the sight containing the energy signal of the bifrost. Once there a female scientist know as Jane steps out follows by the other scientists who is known as Eric Selvig. The last person to step out of the Jeep was the queen of tasing who is known as Darcy. They approach the spot with the bifrost energy only to find a bleeding and unconscious Luna laying in the sand. Think I fast Eric picks up Luna and quickly puts her in the back seat of the Jeep. They then get back into the Jeep and drive to the nearest hospital because there was nothing else with Luna. Once at the hospital they rushed Luna inside who is immediately taken away by nurses.

Jane, Darcy, and Eric waited for hours until a nurse approached them to tell the Luna's condition. According to the nurse Luna has a concussion and could possibly have amnesia. Taking that into consideration Eric asked when Luna would be released from the hospital. The nurse told them she could leave with them due to having no contacts in their system for Luna and because they seemed trustworthy enough to the nurse.

With that the three headed up to the room that Luna was in and found her sitting up with a bandage wrapped around her head. Luna looks up when she hears the door open and sees unfamiliar people walk in.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Jane asks as she sits down in the chair next to Luna's bed.

"Okay I guess, but I can't seem to remember who I am" Luna says as her brows furrow in confusion.

"That's quite common for someone with amnesia" Eric says and Luna looks at him as she blinks in confusion.

"I have amnesia?" Luna asks Eric in confusion and he nods.

"Yup" Darcy says as she eats a bag of potato chips.

"According to the doctors you hit your head several times and have a concussion. We are the ones who found and since they have no contacts for you they have released you into our care until you have regained your memories" Jane explains and Luna nods as she listens to what Jane says to her.

"Thank you miss?" Luna says as a question because she doesn't know Jane.

"Jane, Jane Foster. On my left is Darcy Lewis and on my right is Eric Selvig" Jane says as she points to said people.

"Nice to meet you, so when can I leave? I don't know why but I can tell I'm not a big fan of this kind of place" Luna says as she looks around, her hands gripping the bed sheets.

"You can leave right now" Eric explains and Luna gets out of the bed quickly only to get lightheaded and stumbles slightly.

Jane quickly grabs Luna's arm and wraps her arm around Luna's waist to support her so she doesn't fall. Slowly they leave the hospital and head to Jane's Jeep where Luna gets in the back seat followed by Darcy. Jane and Eric get in the front seat before they drive to where they were staying in New Mexico. Luna stayed silent for the whole ride, trying to see if she can remember anything as Darcy tries to spark a conversation with her. Towards the end of the car ride Luna sighs in annoyance since she can't remember anything that had happened before Jane, Eric, and Darcy has found her. Jane parks the car and they all get out before walking into the motor home that they all slept in. Jane deciding to be nice gives the back room of the motor home to Luna to sleep in along with a change of clothes.

Later that night Luna sits awake in the back of the motor home looking at herself in the mirror that is back there. She had removed the bandages to reveal a black crescent moon that seemed to have been painted onto her forehead. When Luna rubs on the moon instead of black paint coming off onto her fingers the moon stays in place.

Blinking in confusion Luna rubs the moon on her forehead again but it still refuses to come off. Luna sighs as she gives up but jumps when there is a knock on the door making her turn around.

"Can't sleep?" Jane asks as she walks into the room.

"No. I feel so useless, I can't even remember my own name" Luna says as she sits down on the bed.

"Well how about we give you a new name until you remember your old one" Jane suggests as she sits down next to Luna.

"Alright, I guess that would work" Luna says as she turns to look at Jane.

"Okay so how about Janet?" Jane asks and Luna shakes her head no.

"Lily?" Jane asks and Luna shakes her head no again. Many many suggested names later Jane suggests a name that caught Luna's interest immediately.

"How about Snookie?" Jane asks with a hopeful look.

"I like it. What about a last name?" Luna, now known as Snookie to Jane, asks with a raised eyebrow.

"How about Frost?" Jane asks and Luna begins to think.

"Snookie Frost, sounds good" Luna says with a smile.

"Well the goodnight Snookie" Jane says as she stands up.

"Goodnight Jane" Luna says before she gets under the covers of the bed as Jane leaves the little back room of the motor home.

Luna begins to fall asleep as she thinks about how this could be the start of a new life for her and that she was supposed to get amnesia. With that thought in mind Luna falls asleep dreaming dreams that seemed very familiar to her. Dreams that appeared to be memories and not all of the dreams were good, there were many times that night she would jump awake and silently sob. She saw familiar faces but never got names to put to the faces for all of her dreams were silent. For the rest of that night Luna did not sleep, fearing what dream memories she would endure next. This is what her life would be until she remembered everything, and that terrified Luna.

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