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~Steve's POV~

I sit myself up just as Luna snaps her fingers, turning into what looks like black mist. I blink in confusion as the black mist quickly floats into the air vents, disappearing inside. I stand up before going to help Natasha up who accepts my help with a nod.

"What the hell was that?!" Fury yells in shock as he pushes himself up off the ground.

"That, was a very good example of my sister loosing her temper" Thor says as he sits up.

"Damn, how can a girl that tiny be so vicious yet adorable at the same time?" Tony asks as he straightens out his shirt having stood up already.

"Have care what you say about Luna, Loki may be my mission but I will kill you if you disrespect my sister" Thor says as he points hammer at Tony.

"Calm down both of you. What we need to do is address the attack that is happening on the city as we speak" Natasha says effectively bringing their attention to her.

"You are right Lady Natasha, and I must find my sister. In this state of mind my sister is very unstable and I do not wish to see what will happen to your city if she continues like this" Thor says, concern in his voice.

"Well Cap, what's the plan?" Tony asks as he turns to me.

"Thor your our heaviest hitter, you'll go after Loki. Tony, Natasha, Bruce, you three will draw the Chitauri's attention away from the citizens" I explain the plan.

"And what will you be doing Captain?" Thor asks making me look at him.

"I'm going to find Luna. She seems pretty pissed at you Thor so she might listen to me" I say as I cross my arms.

"Then it's settled, good luck to all of you" Fury says to all of us as we leave the room to suit up. I pull my cowl up and grab my shield as one thought passes through my mind.

'I hope Luna's okay'

~Luna's POV~

As I sit inside the abandoned building my tears of sadness turn to tears of pain as I feel my powers try to break out. I clutch at my hair as I put my head between my knees trying to become as small as possible. It does not work though as the pain begins to intensify.

" Luna. Let us out, we know you want to" a demonic version of my voice says inside my head.

"Never, I'm not letting you out again" I strain out as I try to focus on something else.

"C'mon Luna, you know it was fun the last time you let us out" it says trying to get me to let it out.

"You and I have very different definitions of fun, and my definition does not categorize destroying a planet as fun" I say before groaning pain as they try to force their way out.

"Just give up Luna, your not strong enough to keep us contained for much longer. Just like you weren't strong enough during the blood moon" the voice says and I can tell it's probably smirking.

"I'm a lot stronger than I was back then" I say as I start focusing on the good memories of my mother, Loki, Thor, and. . .Steve. I start focusing more on Steve than I did on my family, thinking of Steve's features the most. His beautiful blue eyes, gorgeous smile, his sweet personality, and most importantly my feelings about him. I came to a realization that I might love Steve and that I'd do anything for him.

"You seem to forget that the stronger you get the stronger we get" it says and I grip at my head harder.

"Not strong enough apparently if you've waited until I'm this exhausted to try and get free" I say through clenched teeth. The voice doesn't say anything so I guess I won that argument, but I can still feel it trying to break free.

I begin to hear screaming outside so I get into a standing position and stumble out of the building into the city that has been turned into a war zone. People run around screaming, trying to get out of the city, mothers dragging their children behind them as they run away while otherworldly creatures attack. I stare in shock as buildings get destroyed, people are killed or injured, and more of the creatures come down from the sky. I then recognize the creatures as the Chitauri, they must be Loki's army. I hear something drop down behind me and turn to see one of the Chitauri soldiers getting ready to attack me. I let go of my hair and draw one of my swords, pointing the tip at the soldier.

"Bring it on mother fucker"

The Chitauri soldier chargers at me to attack but ends up getting cut in half by my sword. I look around and see the other Chitauri looking at their fallen comrade that lays dead at my feet.

"Anyone else?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

I feel the pain in my head being to turn into a dull throb as a brave, when I say brave I mean stupid, Chitauri soldier takes my question as a challenge. I smirk thinking he must have a death wish, so I answered said wish. The Chitauri body falls to the ground followed by its head a few seconds later. The rest of the Chitauri start trying to attack me instead of the citizens so that gave them enough time to flee. I simply dodge their attacks as I inspect my nails, that is until I got bored. I sigh in boredom before giving a simple flick of my wrist, making the Chitauri claps around me dying from my powers. I thought the fight was done until a Chitauri that somehow survived shot me in the arm.

I glare at the Chitauri as I growl out "you should've aimed for the head."

I guess my power had transferred into my glare because the Chitauri implodes from me glaring at it. I turn around and see that the Chitauri are coming from a big ugly tower with the name stark on the side.

"Of course my brother just had to choose the big ugly tower in the middle of the city as his base of operations" I say as I look at the tower wondering why anyone in there right mind would think that looks good.

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