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~Luna's POV~

I peek my head out of my hiding spot and sigh in relief when I don't see anymore soldiers looking for me meaning they have stopped the search for tonight, probably against my mother and brothers wishes. I quickly head over to where I hid the hover boat and I uncover it before I feel someone behind me, I quickly grab the handle of one of my daggers as I turn around only to come face to face with Sif. I let go of the dagger handle as I stare at my best friend who is pointing her sword at me as if I'm going to attack her in order to get away. I sigh as a look of betrayal comes to my face as I look at her straight in the eyes as I raise my hands in surrender.

"So, my best friend is going to condemn me to a life of imprisonment. All for the good of Asgard I assume" I say with a sneer on my face.

"Luna I do not wish to hurt you nor do I wish to loose your friendship. Please come quietly" Sif says with sadness in her voice.

"Well news flash honey your loosing my friendship if you turn me in and I'm not going down without a fight" I say before I grab the blade of her sword and kick her in the stomach.

The kick to her stomach makes her let go of the handle of her sword and skid backwards as I look at her. I grab the handle of her sword before letting go of the blade, my hand bleeding from a cut across the palm but I ignore it. I hold the sword handle as I watch Sif stand up, a hand pressed to her stomach as she looks at me.

"Give up Sif, you are unarmed and outmatched" I say with a neutral expression as I stare at her.

"I cannot do that Luna, your father has ordered that I bring you back to the palace" Sif says as she stands up straight.

"Really, and I assume that he has given you the excuse that I have gone mad. Or perhaps he's told you that Loki has corrupted me, quite being naive. Open your eyes and tell me Sif, do I look as if I am mad or corrupted?" I ask her wanting an answer from her.

"No, you don't" Sif says as she lets down her warrior facade.

"Then let me leave for I am going to be wrongfully punished if I return to the palace. Or else I will be forced to harm you in order to get what I want" I say as I walk towards Sif.

"Fine, you may leave. I will say that I had found you but you escaped" Sif says and once I'm close enough I hug her. I feel her hug me back which brings a smile to my face and after a little while of us hugging I let go of Sif before I hold her at arms length so we can look at each other.

"Thank you Sif, please keep this a secret from mother, Loki, and Thor. I don't want to worry them more than they already are" I say and Sif nods.

"Of course, I guess this is goodbye" Sif say as my arms drop down to my sides.

"I promise Sif, that this is goodbye but not forever my friend" I say before I hand her back her sword which she takes with a solemn look on her face as she looks from the sword to me.

"I am going to miss you Luna" Sif says as she grips the handle of her sword.

"I will miss you as well Sif, but we will meet again" I say before I walk over the hover boat.

I hop into the hover boat and with one last look at Sif I speed off towards the bifrost entrance in the mountains. I speed up to full acceleration as the small canyon in the mountains get closer and closer until the hover boat speeds through it. I see flashes of rainbows as I travel through the bifrost, leaving Asgard and my family behind me.

~Loki's POV~

I look up from my book only to see Lady Sif standing infront of my cell and she seemed to have been crying. I raise an eyebrow in question as to why she had been crying as I put my book down.

"What are you doing here Sif, and why have you been crying?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"I, I promised I wouldn't say anything. But I um, I ran into Luna" Sif says and I stand up quickly at what she said.

"You ran into my sister? Where is she? Is my sister safe?" I ask as I quickly walk over to the barrier.

"Yes, she seemed fine, and she was heading towards the mountains" Sif says and I realize as to where Luna was going.

"She's using the bifrost to return to Midgard" I mumble as I remember what Luna's scroll to me said. She fell in love while on Midgard, so she's trying to go back to him.

"What?" Sif asks in confusion as to what I mumbled.

"Nothing now you must keep this between us. Odin May try to find her and force Luna to come back with the information you have" I say and surprisingly Sif doesn't try to bite off my head for bossing her around.

"Right I understand, I know I promised Luna not to say anything but I felt it would be best that atleast you knew that she is fine" Sif says and I nod.

"Yes and I thank you for telling me" I say and Sif nods.

I watch as Sif walks away without another word, probably going to go lie to Odin about the whereabouts of Luna. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair as I look at the ceiling of my cell.

"I hope you've made the right decision sister" I mumble as I close my eyes.

I open my eyes again as I walk over to my chair and I sit down before grabbing my book from where I put it. I look at the scroll from my sister and remember that I told her I would support her no matter what decision she would make. I sigh as I go back to reading my book as one thought comes to mind, please stay safe wherever you are on Midgard Luna.

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