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~Thor's POV~

"What the hell are they doing?" I hear son of Fury ask as he looks at a monitor that's infront of him.

"It looks like their trying to preform a seance" man of Iron says as he comes to stand next to son of Fury, looking at the monitor as well. I walk over and look at the monitor to see my sister and son of Rogers facing each other, their eyes glowing. I immediately know what is happening and think that son of Rogers is a very lucky man for Luna to have taken him there.

"The realm of shadows" I say simply, still looking at the small version of my sister on the screen.

"Excuse me, the what?" Man of Iron asks as he turns to look at me.

"The realm of shadows, Luna's domain. She is Queen there" I explain as I look away from the monitor to look at man of Iron.

"Okay well explain what that means for Capcicle, Point Break. Cause he's basically zombified at the moment" man of Iron says wanting an explanation.

"I don't know much, but what I do know is that their connection cannot be broken at all costs" I say making man of Iron raise an eyebrow.

"What happens if their connection is broken?" Lady Natasha asks making me look at her.

"If the connection is broken then the realm will reject your friend and he will be a shell of his former self" I say and they know what the real meaning of what I said is.

"You mean? . ." Man of Iron begins to ask but he cuts himself off.

"Yes, if the connection is broken then the shadows will destroy his mind and make him nothing but a mindless puppet that is loyal to Luna and only Luna. That is why we must wait until Luna brings herself and your friend back from her realm the natural way" I say giving son of fury a look that means 'listen to what I am telling you or you die'. I go back to watching the monitor, watching my sisters zombified body mutter an incantation as her mind along with son of Rogers stays in her realm.

~Luna's POV~

"We will have to leave soon" I say as I stop leaning my forehead against Steve's.

"Why, is something going on in the real world that could possibly break the connection?" Steve asks in confusion.

"No. It's just very draining, even for me the Queen of this realm, to bring a Midgardian here for this long of a time. No offense Steve" I say as I start to sweat a little bit from the strain that's being put on my magic.

"None taken Luna, maybe you should get us back to our bodies before your magic gives out on you" Steve says sounding concerned for me.

"Yea, good idea" I agree and go to bring us out of the realm but Steve stops me.

"Luna, before we go back I just want to say that you should go talk to Loki. Maybe you could talk some sense into him" Steve says and he's right.

"Yea, your right Steve" I say before I press my forehead to his again and mutter the incantation that will get us out of here. The realm of shadows disappears as we go back to our bodies. I separate my hand from Steve's as soon as I know he's back in my body. I stand up only to stumble a little bit and Steve goes to help me but I stop him.

"Luna are you okay?" Steve asks as I blink a little bit.

"Yea I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go see Loki" I say before snapping my fingers, crumbling into wisps of shadows that head towards where Loki is, probably leaving behind a very confused Steve. I materialize in the room that Loki's cell in and I look around before spotting the camera and microphone in the corner of the ceiling. I mutter an incantation so that whatever the camera sees that is considered bad is the opposite of what they see.

"My my, sister, you must be desperate if your coming to see me after all that has happened" Loki says with a grin on his face.

"Not desperate just, in need of a chat" I say as I walk towards the glass that separates us.

"My dear, sweet, naive Luna, there is no such thing as just being in need of a chat" Loki says as he stands infront of me.

"How'd you know?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"You've come here with a purpose, I can see it in your eyes. Now tell me sister, what is your purpose?" Loki asks as he stares me down.

"My purpose is to know what the hell you are doing here. The Loki I knew and called brother cared nothing for ruling a realm. The Loki that I remember cared only for luring new spells and new forms to shift into. And you sir are not that Loki" I say as I give him a glare.

"I can assure you that I am Loki, just not the Loki you wish I still was" he never breaks eye contact as he speaks to me.

"I swear! by the alfather himself that if you are an evil entity that has taken over my brother, then I will end you" I threaten as I slam my fist against the glass creating cracks in the glass.

"Ooh, big threats coming from such a small maiden" Loki says which makes my right eye twitch in annoyance.

"Insults will get you nowhere brother" I say as I force my eye to stop twitching before turning to leave.

"Did Thor not grant you permission to come see me?" Loki asks making me turn back to him.

"I do not need my brothers permission to come and see you, Loki" I say as my anger starts to slip away, being replaced by tiredness.

Loki frowns in confusion as he takes in my appearance "then why are you hiding sister?"

"I'm not, hiding" I say as I cross my arms.

"You never were the best of liars Luna" Loki says having seen through my lies.

My mouth twitches into a small smile for a second "you always were better at seeing through my lies than Thor was, Loki."

"I am the god of lies after all, now tell me the truth sister" Loki says wanting to know what is wrong.

"Why should I tell you the truth if you won't do the same?" I ask as I feel the incantation I put on the camera begin to break due to my tiredness.

"Because the truth will hurt you more than it will help" Loki says before the him in the cell flickers and disappears.

My eyes widened and I turn around when I feel someone behind me. I come face to face with Loki and a blonde man that I do not know. I go to snap my fingers and go to where Thor is but Loki grabs my hand in his while his other hand comes to my cheek.

"I am sorry Lulu" Loki says before my vision goes black as I faint.

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