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~Luna's POV~

I quickly hide myself and the hover boat just as the search party speeds by making me sigh in relief. I really have to be more careful, I don't want to get caught by anyone and I certainly don't want to go back to the palace. I a mirror out of my pocket that could fit in the palm of my hand. The mirror itself had a midnight blue frame with moons and stars made out of moonstones all around the frame. At the top of the frame was a crescent moon the size of a gold coin.

"Mirror, show me Loki" I say quietly and the mirror changes from showing my reflection to showing me Loki.

His cell is destroyed and he's sitting leaning against the back wall, red smeared against his one foot. For a second I thought his foot was bleeding but when I look closer I see that it's just berry juice on his foot. He seems to be upset, probably because he learned that I was leaving through a scroll. I sigh as the image disappears letting me see my face in the reflection of the mirror.

"Mirror, show me Thor" I say and the image changes to show me Thor, he's walking into my room.

I raise an eyebrow wondering why he would go into my room, he has never gone into my room at all. The image changes to show Thor inside my room, looking at the little nicknacks on my shelf. I sigh as the image disappears once more, letting me see my face in the mirror for the second time.

"This is the last time. Mirror, show me my mother" I say and the image changes to show her walking towards fath- sorry Odin's study with a purpose. That man does not deserve me calling him father, besides he wasn't much of a father to begin with. The image disappears and I put my mirror away, no longer wanting to check in on anyone for the moment. I feel the familiar pain that lets me know my powers are trying to break out, but this one is different. It's less breaking out and more of it just wanting to talk to me.

"You've made them miserable by leaving Luna, isn't it a beautiful sight?" It asks me, rearing its ugly head again.

"It's not like I wanted to leave, Odin gave me no choice" I say as I get comfortable in my hiding spot knowing I'm going to be there for a little while until the search dies down for the night.

"You did have a choice Luna, you could have let us out. We could have shown him who's boss" it says and I laugh bitterly at what it said.

"That would have never happened because then you would destroy Asgard just for shits and giggles" I say knowing that I am right.

"Whaaat nooo we would never do that" it says and I know it's lying.

"Okay I'm ignoring you now" I say and it has nothing to say back.

"This is going to be a loooong night" I say to myself with a sigh hoping I don't go completely insane by the time the search party leaves.

~Thor's POV~

I walk into my sisters room and look around, seeing the numerous nicknacks that she has collected over the years. I walk over to one of her shelf's when I noticed her moon mirror was gone, she must have taken it. I had gotten that mirror for her when we were younger and with Loki's help she cast an incantation on it. With that mirror she is allowed to see anything that she wants by just asking it. I continue looking around and stop when I see a small sword sitting on the shelf. It was the first sword Luna ever got when we were all really young, father hadn't approved of her having it. Luna would always throw a fit whenever father took it away and told her to go study or learn magic. Luna always used to beg me to train her whenever she got the chance and I could never say no.

"C'mon Thor please! I promise I won't ask ever again!" A little 12 year old Luna says to a 15 year old me.

"Luna you know father does not approve of you using a sword" I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't care! I'm 3,012 Thor and you started learning how to fight at that age so why can't I?!" Luna exclaims and I sigh as I look down at my little sister.

"Because Father does not want you learning how to fight" I say and Luna pouts.

"Oh so he wants me to be a damsel in distress like every other girl in Asgard, minus Sif" Luna says as she begins to stare me down.

"No that's not what I meant sister" I say but Luna turns her back to me.

"Really cause it sounded like you meant that father wants me to be a precious porcelain doll that can't do anything without getting broken"  Luna says in anger as she crosses her arms.

"Fine, you win Luna. I will teach you how to use a sword" I say as I sigh knowing that it's no use arguing with her.

"Yay!" Luna exclaims as she jumps at me, tackling me into a hug.

We both lay on the ground laughing as we hug each other, training forgotten at the moment as we enjoy each other's company.

The memory fades away as I continue looking around at all of my sisters books, nicknacks, and her less important weapons. Luna had always liked having more than one go-too weapon, said it gave her more options for fighting styles. I look over at my sisters desk and see that the chair is tipped over and her balcony doors are open I walk over to a tipped over chair and stand it up before I walk over and close the balcony doors, from the looks of it Luna was in a hurry to leave. I walk back over to the door and take one last look at my sisters room before I leave. I head back to my room, mulling over what my sister wrote in the letter for the third time today.

~Loki's POV~

I look around my cell at all the tipped over chairs and tables that had been thrown into the cell barrier by my magic. I sit leaning against the back wall staring at nothing as I put an illusion up to make everything look normal. I was never going to show weakness infront of these prisoners, no matter how crushed I was over Luna leaving. I begin to form a plan in my mind, a plan to get out of here and find my sister. I just need to wait for the right moment to put my plan into action, but that moment might not come for some time. By then my sister could be gone forever and I would have no means of tracking her down. I look at the letter from Luna that is laying discarded next to me and I sigh. Luna wouldn't want me to sit around moping and blaming myself for something I didn't do.

"Wherever you are Luna, please be safe" I mumble to myself as I close my eyes knowing that it will be a long night.

I open my eyes and look at one of my books that had been thrown around during my fit of rage and sadness. I pick up the book and remember how Luna always wanted me to read to her when we were younger.

"C'mon c'mon read it again. Please Loki" A 9 year old Luna asks a 12 year old me as we lay in my bed.

"Lulu I've already read you this book nine times" I say as I look down at my sister with a smile.

"I don't care! I like this book so read it again" Luna says as she crosses her arms, not taking no for an answer.

"Alright alright I'll read it again" I say as I open the book to the first page.

"Yay! Your the best" Luna says as she snuggles into my side as I begin reading to her.

By the time we were half way through the book when I look down I see my sister is fast asleep next to me.

The memory fades away as I look at the book remembering that it was well loved by both myself and my sister.

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