Autumn leaves and Aradia

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Sollux's POV

I stayed up till fucking four in the morning. On a normal day I would've slept till dinner time but I felt something crash onto my abdomen "Bee! Wake up Bee!" I open my eyes to NP jumping on me clad in her green footy pajamas with the cat faces on the feet and her messy bed head , if it was KK I would've screamed at him to get the hell out of my room, but NP wasn't 21 and was definitely cuter then KK, so I'm letting it slide. "Hey honey bee" I said rubbing her head as she flopped down next to me "Bee it time to get uwp now Kat make cakes!" She says with a smile, I groan and say "fine," I stand and stretch, I look to Nep and see her lift her arms up, so I comply and lift her onto my shoulders and walk into the living room. "KK did you thend the munchkin to wake me up?" "Yeah, I'm not gonna wake you up you're a douche first thing in the morning, and I mean worse than usual." he states plainly "And I figured you wouldn't kill your precious little honey bee," he smirks and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks, "Yeth I'm above killing a toddler," I say as I hand her to Gamzee, "But I'm not above killing you!" and I begin to chase him around the house, "FUCK YOU SOLLUX!" He screams as he hides behind the couch, "Woah Karbro you don't wanna all up and offend the little miracles ears with all your profanities." says Gamzee, "It ok auntie always said those wowds daddy towd me not to say dem." okay so now we can cuss freely in front of the kid, I threw a pillow at KK's head and said "Let's just eat already." I said and took my seat at the table.

Later that day I decided it contact my girlfriend AA and invite her over, it was a Saturday so she wasn't working, plus she'd love Nep.

twinArmegeddons began trolling apocalypseArisen 12:44 pm

TA: hey

AA: hi S0llux!

TA: 2o there's been a lot of crap going on

AA: what d0 y0u mean by that?

TA: KK adopted a toddler

AA: are y0u seri0us?

AA: like actually seri0us?

TA: ii am beiing legiitiimately 2eriiou2 riight now

TA: you 2hould come over 2he2 a cool kiid

TA: ii thiink you'd liike her

AA: I'm n0t w0rking s0 why n0t

AA: I'll be there in an h0ur t0 meet the cutie

TA: alriight awe2ome AA

TA: iim gonna 2hower 2o ii wiill 2ee you 2oon

AA: bye S0llux I l0ve y0u

TA: love you two AA <3

twinArmegeddons ceased trolling apocalypseArisen 12:59 pm

I left the computer desk to shower, when I got out I smoothed out my messy brown hair. brushed my teeth and put on black jeans my black and yellow checkered belt and my yellow hoodie with a picture of a video game remote on it that Aradia had given me for my birthday. I also put on some cologne that smelled like honey because honey is an amazing food.

I walked back out into the living room to see Gamzee coloring with Nep on the floor and Karkat attempting to do a workout video which was actually pretty hysterical. The doorbell rung and I ran to answer it, "Hey AA" she gave me a hug and came inside, she took one look at Nepeta on the floor with Gamzee and squealed "Oh my gosh aren't you just the cutest thing!" Nep blushed and bashfully looked at the floor, "Bee who dis?" she asked "This is my girlfriend Aradia." I said, "Hey Neppy do you wanna play in the leaves today?" asks Karkat as he exited the bathroom he had finished his workout and showered , "YES KAT!" she squeals excitedly "Then you gotta get ready" she nods excitedly "Ooooh can I get her ready Karkat oh please may I!?" Aradia says excitedly "Sure why the fuck not," she smiles and let's Nep take her to the room and get her ready, about an hour later we are watching tv in the living room, when AA comes out with the little tike. Her hair was pulled in a high ponytail she had a green sweater that was buttoned up and a pair of black leggings and a pair of green uggs. I went over and lifted her up "Um AA why does she smell like axe?" I said, KK and GZ immediately came over and sniffed the toddler, "Because I had to give her a bath and that's all you guys had in there for soap" she answered "Have you guys cleaned her at all since she got here?" we stared dumbly "Uh not really" said Karkat. Nep began pulling at my sleeve, "Bee let go outside!" she says giggling. so we took her outside and played in the leaves, she ran around and GZ chased her pretending he was slow, me and AA buried her in the leaves, KK made leaf angels with her, and then we all played hide and seek. We were outside for 4 hours, until we finally went inside and ate. This may sound cheesy but Neps a real sweetie and I think everyone's gonna love her.

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