Nepeta's 3rd Birthday!

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Today is Nepeta's 3rd birthday and we're throwing her a big party with her all the people she loves, Gamzee, Tavros, Kanaya, Terezi, Feferi, Spider bitch, and even fish dick. I have no clue if she's going to remember this party when she gets older or not, but there will be pictures and I want her first birthday with us to be special. So I'm having Gamzee and Tavros take her to lunch while Sollux and I set up the party, pretty much everything is green and pink and has cats on it. I'm standing on a stack of phone books on top of our kitchen chair attempting to put streamers on the ceiling because fuckhead Sollux hasn't woken up yet, maybe I should've made Gamzee stay behind, his gargantuan size would've been immensely helpful right now. Oh no... the books are slippi... "SHIT!" I scream as a topple over and land flat on my ass, the noise obviously wakes up my cranky roommate who in turn starts screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK KK!? I'M TRYING TO FUCKING THLEEP HERE!" "SHUP UP YOU UNBELIEVABLE DOUCHE! I FELL PUTTING UP STREAMERS BECAUSE YOUR TALL LANKY ASS WAS TOO BUSY SLEEPING TO HELP ME WITH NEPETA'S PARTY," Sollux gives a heavy sigh and takes the streamers out of my hand and begins putting them up on the ceiling. Stupid tall people.
A few hours later Eridan arrives with the cake I asked him to pick up, it was going to be so cute, it was in the shape of a cat with green frosting. He places it on the counter and we open the box to check it and I gasp in shock. This is NOT Nepeta's cake it's in the shape of a fire engine for someone named Andrew's birthday. I start freaking out and screaming at Eridan, "WHY DIDNT YOU CHECK THE FUCKING CAKE FISH DICK!?! I WOULD THINK EVEN YOU HAD THE COMMON FUCKING SENSE TO NOT BE AN IDIOTIC DOUCHELORD BUT APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG!" While I'm yelling I feel Feferi's gentle hand on my shoulder, "Karcrab, I know you want everything to be perfect, but yelling won't solve anything," she says in the cheerful way that is comforting, but also mind numbingly annoying, I squeeze the bridge of my nose as I feel a stress headache coming on, "Okay..." I say gritting my teeth, "What are we going to do about this cake? It doesn't even have her name on it." "Well she can't even read Kar so if you think about it, it doesn't really matter." Eridan butts in... "FISH DICK!" I scream and begin chasing him around the house, this goes on for several minutes, until Sollux grabs me and Feferi tells me she fixed the cake, "What? How? You can't turn a fucking fire engine into a fucking cat." I grunt as I struggle against Sollux to continue my assault of Eridan who is now hiding behind our couch. Feferi showed me that it now said Nepeta where it had previously said Andrew, "How the fuck did you do that?!?" I ask, "Because Fef is amazing," Eridan interjects from behind the couch, "YOU SHUT UP SHIT HEAD YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!" I point at him and he cowers. "It was easy, I just scraped off the frosting that spelled Andrew mixed it up to be one color and put it in a ziplock bag and spelled Nepeta instead. I gave her a huge hug " Fef you are the best!!" "Fish dick you're safe for now!" I yelled as Eridan emerged from his hiding spot under the couch. During this time Sollux has finished putting up the streamers, Fef had fixed the cake, and now we were just waiting for everyone else to arrive.
About an hour later Kanaya, Vriska, and Terezi show up. "Cutting it a little close there spiderbitch." I say to Vriska, "Oh shut up Karrrkattttt, I'm here aren't I?" I grunt and storm away, awaiting my text from Tavros that they're on their way home with Nepeta.
The moment comes when I finally get the text that they're pulling into the driveway, and that's when I really start freaking out. "OKAY EVERYONE THEYRE HERE NO ONE FREAK OUT THEYRE HERE!" "Umm KK you're the only one who'th freaking out." Sollux says calmly, "SHIIIIITTTT"... I hear the doorknob turn and everyone including myself goes silent. As Gamzee and Tavros walk in holding Nepeta's hand everyone yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEPETA/NEP/NEPPY/NP! A mix of everything everyone calls her. Her little body can hardly contain her excitement as she starts jumping and running around hugging everyone and squealing in delight. I carefully bring over the fire engine cake that Feferi fixed the name on, with 3 little candles. We start singing the classic and obnoxious happy birthday song until, we tell Nep to make a wish and she blows out her little candles. "What'd you with for NP?" Sollux asks her, "I can't say! It won't come twue!" She giggles and everyone bursts into laughter. After cake was eaten we helped Nep unwrap her presents, she got new clothes from Eridan and Feferi, a couple children's books from Kanaya, a dragon stuffed animal from Terezi, some coloring books from Gamzee and Tavros, free tickets to the zoo from Vriska, and the doll house she had been begging for from Sollux and I. Eventually Nep was falling asleep in a chair in the living room, so we thanked everyone for coming and for their gifts and I thanked Tavros for taking all the pictures. When everyone had left, Sollux and I went into her room, put her pjs on and got her into bed, "The's really thpecial KK," Sollux said as we stood over her bed, "I know she is." "What's gonna happen when you leave? I looked at him with a sad expression, "You're the only one who can calm her down during a tantrum fuck for brains" I smirked, but I inside I was really sad thinking about the fact that he may leave one day, he drives me nuts but he's really my favorite person, I would never tell him that though. He seemed to have read my mind, "Pleathe KK I've got no relationthip and no money, you're kind of thtuck with me for a long time." He jokes as he puts his arm around me. "Don't worry KK we wouldn't leave you to raithe NP alone." Him saying that and the warmth of his arm on mine honestly all of that made me feel slightly better. I don't have to worry about him leaving. We watched Neppy sleep for a little longer before retiring to our own rooms, we didn't speak much after what he said, but it gave me comfort. Today was by no means perfect, but it was definitely a day to remember.

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