The Cast Comes Off!

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I'm woken up abruptly by my toddler jumping up and down on me, "KAT WAKE UP!" She yells excitedly between jumps, ""I GET MY CAST OFF TODAY!" I pull the pillow over my head and groan. "Neppy, the appointment isn't for another hour" I grumble sleepily, she continues jumping until I finally give in and go make her some cereal for breakfast. She munches happily on her cereal while I take a shower and get myself dressed. Finally the hour comes and I load her into the back of my truck, buckle her into her car seat and drive to Feferi's office.
When we arrive we're greeted by the colorful fish I've grown so used to seeing ever since Nep came along. When Fef comes in the first thing she does is say hi to Nepeta and explains everything that's going to happen, and how a nurse is going to come in and cut the cast off. "It's been a long time so your wrist may be stinky." She says and makes a goofy face which causes Nepeta to giggle. When the nurse comes in with the tool to cut off the cast Nepeta gets nervous, so I hold her hand and she instantly relaxes, once the nurse is done cutting off the material she takes the cast off of Nepeta and hands her a lollipop. The nurse looks at me and explains, "Her wrist will be a little weaker than the one that wasn't broken, but strengthening it shouldn't be a problem since she's a very active kid." The nurse leaned down and told her that she did a great job. I walk hand and hand with Nep out of the office, she blew kisses at Feferi on the way out. I decided to stop for some ice cream on the way home to celebrate the cast finally coming off, I got chocolate cherry while Nep got cotton candy with green pop rocks in it (yuck!) when she finished she was purple, blue, green, and STICKY all over her face. This kid I swear, I laughed as I wet a napkin to clean her up before taking her back home where she could now play to her hearts content.

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