Merry Christmas uncle Gammy!

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Gamzee's POV

I always hated Christmas ever since I was little, my parents always promised they'd come home from their business trip (wherever they were at the time) and we'd spend it together. I waited and waited but they never came, this continued for 18 years until I went off to college, and when I went to live with Karkat and Solbro it was the same mother fucking thing! I'd get calls on Xmas Eve from them saying they'd drop in for a little while, but they never did. They always left me with a bunch of empty promises. This always made Christmas Day miserable for me, I'd usually sleep till noon, get crappy takeout and watch tv all day. I always told my roommates not to bother getting me any presents.

On Christmas Eve I threw my phone across the room as I got yet another fake call from my parents, it spoiled the happy mood Lil sis gave me when she was talking about her views on people of the same gender loving each other. I ended up falling asleep around 3 am.

I woke up at 8 to little tiny feet bouncing on my bed, and a little voice yelling, "Wake uwp uncwe Gammy! it Cwistmas!!" she shook me, and gave me a big smile and she was wearing little red elf pjs Eridan had given her at the Christmas party, I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't really celebrate Christmas, reluctantly I grabbed her up in my arms, not really caring if I was just in boxers and a tshirt, and walked into the living room. In there I found a sleepy Sollux with plaid pj pants and no shirt, and Karkat with a black tank and red basketball shorts rubbing his sleepy eyes.

I looked at the small Christmas tree we bought and let nepeta decorate. there were some presents under the tree, surprisingly there was one with my name on it. I looked confusedly at my roommates. Nep scurries under the tree, picks up three presents and hands the one with my name on it to me, I unwrap the present and there's a handmade coffee mug painted purple with green dots and a black letter G on it, Nep looks up at me "It fow youw coffee even do it taste bad," she says and makes a gagging sound, causing Karkat and Sollux to laugh. I bend down and hug her "Thanks little sis." Karkat gets a black tshirt that said I LUV KAT on it, and Sollux gets a stuffed bumble bee. The Karkat gives her the present we got for her, it was a necklace with a silver kitty charm, she squeals as he puts it on her, then me and Sollux each pull out a charm we picked out, "It's only fair that we get represented too." I say as I attach a purple Capricorn sign to it, and Sollux attaches a yellow bee charm. She then squeals with glee. Seeing her happy little face made me smile. You know maybe Christmas won't be so bad anymore.

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