Rom Coms

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Poor Nep has been super bored ever since she broke her wrist, she hasn't been allowed to play, so she's been a bit of a handful recently, trying to keep her entertained has been a bit of a challenge. We've tried coloring sheets, kids shows, dress up, card games, but her attention span can only take so much. I was sitting on the after dinner while Nep was playing by herself in her room, when all of a sudden I hear the pitter patter of little footsteps coming from the direction of Nepeta's room. "Kat whatcha watchin?" She asked with her cute little smile that just melts your heart, "Um it's a movie called Mama Mia, it's a rom com with music in it..." I answer, she scratches her little head in confusion, "What's a Wom Com?" She asks, "Well..." I begin, "It's a funny movie about love," I explain, "Can I watch?" She asks, I think through the whole movie in my head before deciding that it is appropriate for her to watch, and I pat the seat beside me. She climbs onto the couch and snuggles up next to me and begins to watch the movie, I'm not entirely sure how much of it she understands or how much of it she's even watching, but at the end when it got to the wedding scene she looks up at me and excitedly says "Kat I wanna weaw a pwetty dwess when I get mawwied!" Sollux laughs maniacally from the kitchen when I spit my water out and start coughing from shock. "It's a little soon to be talking about marriage sweetie," I say with a fake smile plastered on my face as I begin to clean up the water I spit out. "No it's not!" She says gleefully and I feel like I'm about to pass out. Sollux saves me by jumping in, "Alrighth honey bee, that'th enough marriage talk for today, ith time for bed," he says as he waves her over to him. She gives me a hug goodnight and runs to Sollux who gets her ready for bed and tucks her in. When he returns to the living room I simply state "Neppy is never getting married." Sollux laughs at me, "KK It'th gonna happen thomeday," I storm into my room and yell, "NEVER!" I hide my red face in my room and can still hear is the sound of Sollux's douchebag laughter.

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