The Surprise Visit!

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I woke up to stupidly bright sunlight with a sore back from sleeping in the uncomfortable ass hospital chairs, Sollux was already awake, he's probably been awake all night if was up so god damn early, "Morning douthshbag" he said and I turned and flicked him off. Today I got to take Nep home from the hospital. I knew she wanted to go home as soon as possible so I gently shook her awake, "Neppy, it's time to wake up so we can go home," I watched her rub the sleep out of her eyes with her tiny hands, and a big smile follow. By the time I finished the discharge paperwork she was practically jumping up and down. It's good to see her back to her old self again. After informing Nep and Sollux we could go home, I scooped her up in my arms and we walked out of the doors to my red truck, once everyone was buckled up we drove back home, Nep singing the itsy bitsy spider the whole way home.
We got home to Gamzee waiting for us. "UNCWLE GAMMY," Nep scream/squealed in delight as she ran to him and threw her arm without the cast around him. "Hi there little miracle," he said gently placing a hand on her little head. He laughs while looking at us, "A mother fuckers gone for a couple weeks and everything's goes bitch tits up in here." Sollux and I both rub the back of our necks and laugh nervously. "So where's Tav?" I ask, "He's all up in his work right now man, so I thought I'd come mother fuckin visit my favorite little miracle." Gamzee responds ruffling Nepeta's hair, she giggles. "Uncwle Gammy sign my cast!" She demands excitedly, I hand him the pen we've been using and he signs his name in the spot Nep saved for him, he even draws a little cat face next to it which causes her to smile even wider. Gamzee ended up staying for dinner where he watched me gloriously fail, by burning the Mac and cheese, Him and Sollux laughed their dumb asses off while the fire alarm blared and I freaked out trying to get the smoke out of the house, I frantically searched for pillows from the living room to fan the smoke out before realizing the windows weren't even open and I was just spreading it. Gamzee and Sollux had already taken Nepeta outside by the time I started properly airing out the house. I smiled sheepishly when I stepped outside, "Don't worry KK, I ordered a pithzza when I heard you were cooking," Sollux laughed, "FUCK YOU CAPTOR I CAN SURE AS HELL COOK BETTER THAN YOU ASSHOLE!" He snickered, "Thureeee KK, that'th why you almothst burned down our houthe." He replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The yelling went on for several minutes while Gamzee was showing Nepeta the constellations in the sky. Eventually the pizza got here, sausage, pepperoni, and olives for Sollux and I and plain cheese for the toddler and the vegetarian. We laughed and talked, and I yelled at Sollux because he was being a dumb fuckass, it was just like old times when Nepeta first got here. Gamzee turned his head, "Man... Sometimes I motherfuckin miss this bro's," I nodded, and Sollux was silent, never one to show much emotion aside from anger. After the pizza was eaten, we realized that Nepeta had fallen asleep on Gamzee's lap, her light breathing the only other sound we could hear besides the crickets. Gamzee scooped her up and carried her into her room, he put her to bed, tucked her in and kissed her head, before leaving the room. "She really misses you, you know?" I said to him as he was leaving, "I know," he said kind of solemnly, "You know you and Tav are welcome anytime." I state, "I know, I promise we'll try to visit more for her," he said looking in the direction of Nep's closed door. After that we all said our goodbyes, I told him to say hi to Tavros for us, and then he pulled out of the driveway and left. I know he'll keep his word, he misses the little kid as much as she misses him.

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