The hopsital room

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I saw Nep sitting in a hospital bed connected to an IV, she was fast asleep with her little arm in a bright green cast and sling. I looked at the toddler in front of me, and made my way to the chair next to her bed, as I sat down I couldn't stop the guilt from washing over me, Sollux sensed it and squeezed my hand.
We had been there for 20 minutes chatting quietly and waiting patiently for Nepeta to wake up when we heard footsteps entering the room, I looked up to see Kanaya and Rose standing in the doorway. My sister gave me a small smile and walked over to hug me, I hugged her back tightly, "Thank you for coming Kan." I said gratefully, she smiled widely and responded, "That's what families do, how's my niece?" She said that last part fondly and I couldn't help but grin. "The doctor thaid the'll be okay, juthst a broken writht." Hearing the words again made me sigh with relief. After an hour Rose had to get back to work, she said her goodbyes and hugged Kanaya, Kanaya wanted to stay until Nep woke up, which I was completely okay with, her presence was comforting.
About 30 minutes after Rose left Nepeta woke up, I looked up to see her groggy little face, her little hand rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she smiled when she saw me, "Hi daddy," she said with a yawn, I have never been so happy to hear those words, I gently brushed her bangs to the side and hugged her careful to not move her casted arm. Sollux came up and tweaked her nose, "How you doin honey bee?" He said and she erupted in giggles. "Much bettew," She chirped. "Kat can we go home now?" She asked hopefully, "Not yet sweetie, they want you to have a sleepover with us here so they can make sure you have enough water," she smiled at the mention of a sleepover with us and nodded enthusiastically.
The doctor came in a few times to check on her, eventually he took out the IV and gave her some regular food and water. Since she was staying overnight, the nurses brought in coloring sheets and little dominos for Neppy to play with. For the next few hours people came in with get well gifts for Nep, God this kid was spoiled I thought humorously, Eridan and Feferi came in with a bag of new dresses and a basket of marine life stuffed animals, (a purple fish, a blue dolphin, a red crab, and a green octopus), Vriska came in with a tiger stuffed animal from the zoo, Terezi brought a toy gavel to teach her justice which she banged on the table (I'm going to kill her for that one), and John and Dave brought balloons with cats on them. As everyone piled in they took turns signing her cast, and praising her for being brave, the kid just ate up all that attention and I couldn't help but laugh.
Before we knew it it was 9 o clock and visiting hours were officially over, everyone said goodbye to Nep and ruffled her hair, and left. God they're all fucking exhausting, it was nice of them to come, but I'll never admit that to anyone, especially that fuck face Ampora. I heard a tiny yawn emanate from a certain toddler and I knew it was time for bed. I tucked her into the hospital bed and sat down on the chair next to Sollux, I looked at the Bowie eyed man fast asleep already, dumbass isn't used to all this social interaction, I smiled at his sleeping form and fell asleep soon after, I'll never tell anyone, but I'm a fucking lucky guy. Tomorrow I would get to take my girl home and then I'm bubble wrapping the shit out of her.

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