The Christmas party

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"Come on Kat we gonna be wate for da pawty!" Nep says as I try to scrub her clean, "Okay okay I'm done" I say and pull her out of the bath, I wrap her in a fluffy towel and hand her to Kanaya and Aradia who were gonna help Nep get ready, so that I could make myself presentable.

Everything took about an hour and 45 minutes. When everyone gathered in the living room I looked at all of them, Kanaya's short black hair was held back with an jade clip, her dark green dress was a long sleeved v-neck and went down fitted to her knees, as always she looked very professional slipping into her grey coat. Gamzee wore a lilac dress shirt with a royal purple bow tie and black dress pants, Sollux wore a white dress shirt and a yellow tie with black dress pants and a matching blazer. Aradia wore a red sleeveless dress that went down to her mid thigh but had a train in the back that went down to the floor and her ebony hair was pinned up in a ruby clip that held half her hair while the rest cascaded in curls down her back. I wore a black dress shirt and gray slacks with a belt, I looked down at Nepeta and she was wearing a little dress that poofed out at the skirt, it was a tank top like sleeve and the dress was Christmas red, green and white plaid with a red now tie around her little waist, white tights and a little red sweater that had only the too button done, her little feet were clad in frilly white socks and buckle black shoes, and her hair was curled and on too of her head was a little Santa hat. She looked super cute, I thanked Kanaya and we all got in our cars to drive to the pary at Eridan's big mansion.

We pulled into the driveway that was filled with cars, I lifted Nep with one arm and carried the bag the gifts were in in the other, it was Christmas Eve so whoever we wouldn't see Christmas morning got their gifts now. A man at the door took the gifts, my coat and Neppy's little red sweater.

We walked in to all our friends and other people eating and chatting, Nep squirms in my arms so I put her down and she ran to the man in the center of a big crowd, I followed "Eri!" she squeals hugging the mans legs, normally Eridan would've lashed out on whoever interrupted his attention, but he instead bent down and said "How ya doin sweetheart?" and tickled her chin causing a giggle. Then a chorus of aww's erupted from the crowd, I took Nep and conversed with Eridan for a little bit and then left to talk to other people, I introduced Nep to Gamzee's boyfriend Tavros and Tav being the worry wart he is worried about what she was gonna think about two boys being together, but all she said was "I gwad you wuv my uncle Gammy," and gave him her brightest smile and hugged him, they stayed together for the rest of the night.

When we got home and I was tucking Nepeta in I asked her, "What do you think if two boys loving each other?" she yawned sleepily and said "It doesn't matter if wou wuv a boy ow a giwl, as wong as dey wuv wou and awe happy." I smiled and told her she was a very smart girl, and kissed her goodnight I walked out into the hallway to see Gamzee with a big smile on his face and his eyes tearing up from what Nep said, then he went to say goodnight to her, Sollux passed out right when we got home. I snuggled into my blankets and allowed sleep to take me.

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