Happy Gotcha Day!

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It had been one full year since Kanaya had convinced me to take Nepeta in, and so much has changed, I became a dad, Gamzee got married and moved out, I'm actually becoming friends with Eridan, and that's not even the half of it. I heard of lots of adopted children's parents celebrating "gotcha days" and since it was the day I adopted Nepeta, we decided to have a small party to celebrate when our lives all changed for the better, as cheesy as that sounds. Sollux is actually awake this time, and we have a surprise present for Nep, I think she's really gonna love it. After the major disaster with the cake at the birthday party, I've made the decision not to trust fish dick again, no fucking way, I'm having Gamzee make the cake, he may be a a crazy motherfucker, but the guy sure knows how to cook and bake. This time the party wasn't a surprise so I didn't have to worry about getting Nep out of the house. Sollux was playing dolls with Neppy on the living room floor, I smiled while I watched him do funny voices for her different dolls, he looked up and smiled at me when I laughed, and felt my cheeks flush red. It's probably because he's so good with our kid, I mean my kid... I mean it's kinda our kid, but like also Gamzee's, so that doesn't mean anything right? I shake the thoughts out of my head and continue putting up streamers on the walls and cupboards. While I'm decorating I hear Sollux's voice, "KK why are you putting the threamers that low?" "Because Captor," I snap "I cant reach the ceiling and I don't need anyone fucking help... plus it's fucking charming that I fucking tried fuckass." I see my housemate roll his eyes, "I'm thure everyone will think that, and not that you jutht fucked up dumbath," he smirked. I proceeded to flick him off and he went back to playing with Nep.
I hear the door creek open and Gamzee and Tavros walk in holding a cake in one of the little carrier things, it's messily decorated, but it's the right color and has Neppy's name on it, and I know it'll taste good, so that's what matters. "Hey motherfuckin best friends, who's ready to get their mother fuckin party on?" Gamzee says as he strides into the kitchen, Nepeta gets excited and runs to hug Gamzee and Tavros. We make polite conversation with Tavros and he shyly smiles at the conversation while Gamzee fixes the the streamers that I fucked up.
Once everything is decorated everyone else starts arriving, Terezi and Dave, Kanaya and Rose, Eridan and Feferi, Vriska, basically everyone we give a shit about. Everyone talked, laughed, and played with Nepeta all day, and she was eating up all the attention. After we ate the cake that Gamzee made, which I was right about, it was fucking delicious, we decided to give Nepeta her present. I sat with Neppy on the floor while everyone else was sitting on couches or chairs or just standing around. Sollux went into his bedroom to get the gift we had been hiding for the last couple days. It had been killing Sollux having to keep Nepeta out of his room, but it would all be worth it. He brings the big green box out, and places it on the floor in front of her. She smiles widely and excitedly take the lid off and squeals, "KITTY!" In the box lay a tiny gray kitten with little green eyes and a collar with the name Leo on it, I lift the kitten out of the box and place it in her arms, it  looks up at her and instantly starts to lick her nose causing her to erupt in giggles. This caused a chorus of awws to erupt from the crowd. Everyone watched Nep play with the kitty for the next few hours, until everyone began to file out.
After everyone had left, Neppy had fallen asleep with Leo asleep on her lap, Sollux and I were sat on each side of her. "The's a thpethial kid KK," Sollux speaks up, "Yeah Captor, she really is." I replied with a smile, "The's changed uth, the's changed everything, and I'm not afraid to be happy anymore KK," I nod, knowing what he meant as I lean my head on his shoulder, and he rests his head on top of mine. We sit like that in a comfortable silence, with our little girl between us. We're gonna do just fine, and it's all because of our little Nepeta.

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