Time for a doctors appt.

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"Wake up Neppy, we're going to the doctors today" I say shaking her gently, she yawns cutely "Am I gonna gewt a wowwypop?" She asks excitedly begining to bounce a little. "Maybe, come on let's get breakfast sweetie" I say as I take her hand and walk her to the kitchen and pour her some cereal. she happily begins eating as a sleepy Gamzee emerges and gives her an affectionate head rub, "Mornin little miracle."

I let her go wake up Sollux so he wouldn't sleep all day, then I have her a bath and dressed her, I put her boots on and slipped on her green coat since it was nearing the end of November and it was getting cold.

I strapped her into her car seat and drove to Feferi's office, I knew when I got there she'd rag on me for not coming to see her more often, it's not my fault that I'm busy.

When I pulled into the parking lot I ins trapped Nep and carried her into the office, I checked in and waited for them to call us.

When they finally did we walked in the office hand and hand. When Feferi entered it became immediately brighter, her smile was wide and her blouse an extremely bright pink. "Hey Fef" I said giving her a hug "Hi Karcrab! Who's this little cutie?" she asks me, "this is Nepeta, Nepeta sweetie this is doctor Feferi" I said. "Hi doctow fefewi!" she says cheerfully "Hi sweetie, we're gonna listen to your heart with this thing." Feferi said as she lifted her stethoscope, this went on for a few more devices until Fef tells me that she needs her flu shot. I turn and see Nep scurry under the desk and begin to cry, "No neddwes Kat don't wet dem poke me!" I lift her out and place her on the table, "Don't worry sweetie it's only gonna be a little teeny pinch, and I'll hold your hand the whole time okay?" I set her on my lap and held her little hand in my bigger one, Fef came in with the kit, as soon as the needles came out Nep began squirming and kicking and screaming and crying, it broke my heart. I held her down and got her still enough for Fef to give her the shot. When it was over I rocked her back and forth to soothe her tears, she finally stopped when Fef leaned down and said "You did such a good job sweetie, here pick a sticker" the toddler happily complied, picking out a kitten sticker, Fef then have her a pink bandaid and a lollipop.

"See baby girl that wasn't so bad." I said as we were walking out, "My awm huwts Kat" she said "I know baby it'll go away soon." I said as I strapped her into her car seat and drove back home.

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