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The mini bus stopped at the side of the road, while the boys and girls were going to the toilet, and Gerry was having a smoke. The boy were all going to the toilet, still talking about the missing people.

Jackson "Like just think about it for a second, the last time they could've been here, like no one knows, do you think we'll ever find out??"
He says.

Kenny "Not in like another 10 years, I'll say"
He replies.

Jackson "10 years, you think, well I agree, it won't be any soon anyway"
He replies to Kenny.

Kenny "No, they don't even know where he last was, like that is the scary part, or the last thing he saw"

The two boys looks at him.

Thomas "Do you think the people that are missing are dead??"

Kenny looks at them.

Kenny "Maybe not the recent ones, but Ray Jensen, lads he's gone, I am sorry, I am, he was a true friend, a true brother to us, but lads that was a year ago, we don't know what happened to him"
He says

Jackson "Yeah, so why do you think, he's dead, then??"
He replies to Kenny.

Kenny "That's just my guess, that's all, I don't actually know"
He says back.

Kenny zips up his zip on his pants, he sees the girls walking back only Emily and Lucy, Rachel was still at the bottom of the field.

Kenny "Hey guys, I'll be back in a second"
He says to them.

He then walks up to Rachel, he walks pass the girls and the girls was looking confused at him.

Lucy "Where's he going??"
She says.

Emily "I don't"
She replies.

Then the girls walks pass the boys, and the boys were looking at Kenny going up to Rachel.

Jackson "This should be fun to watch"
He says.

Thomas "He has no chance, bro"
He replies to him.

Jackson "Oh I know"
says it while laughing.

Kenny went down to Rachel beside a tree, Rachel just buttoned her pants.

Kenny "Hey"
He says.

Rachel jumps with a fright.

Rachel "Oh God, you scared the life of me"
She replies while laughing.

Kenny "Shit sorry"

Rachel "No, don't be, what's wrongs??"

Kenny "Ah nothing, just like never talk to you since this morning"

Rachel was all confused.

Rachel "Yeah"
Says it while laughing.

Kenny "I wanted to ask you a question??"
He says to her.

Rachel "Yeah, of cause, what's up??"
She replies to him.

Kenny looks over to the side and sees something.

Kenny "Isn't that the truck we saw??"

Rachel "I am sorry what, I didn't catch the question??"
She replies to him.

Kenny "What, no, no isn't that the truck that we saw"
Says it all confused.

While he was pointing over her shoulder, she turns around and pass some trees there was the big old truck that passed them before.

Rachel "Yeah it is"
She says.

The two walks over pass the trees and towards the truck, when they reached the truck no one was inside of it.

Kenny "Scary ass truck"
He says.

Rachel "You said it"
She replies to him.

The two went to the back of the truck, and seen two doors that were closed.

Kenny "Should I open it??"
He says to her.

He then looks at her.

Rachel "Don't think that's the best idea"
She replies.

Kenny "Yeah"

He was going to touch the truck, while Rachel was still talking.

Rachel "Kenny, no"
She says with fear running down her body.

He almost touched it, but Gerry shouts.

He shouts.

Kenny looks at Rachel.

Kenny "OK, let's go"
he says to her.

Then they walked back to the bus, when they made it to the bus, Kenny went in first, then Rachel, and Gerry went it and closed the doors. Kenny sits down behind the boys, Thomas and Jackson looks at him.

Kenny "What??"
He says all confused.

Jackson "Is that your girl, your just not telling us??"
He replies.

Kenny "Come on guys I was just talking to her"
He says to them.

Thomas "Yeah on a date"
Saying with laughter.

Jackson starts laughing as well, Kenny looks back outside and sees down at the trees there was a man in a big coat and a hat on looking at him.

Kenny "Who the hell is that??"
He whispers to himself.

Jackson and Thomas looks back at him.

Jackson "OK, one little talk and then now he's thinking about her"

Kenny looks at him all confused while, Jackson and Thomas was laughing, Kenny looks back outside and the man was gone, Kenny looked so confused, and the bus drove on.

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