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The three girls were still in the bus, Emily was still asleep, Rachel and Lucy were sitting down worrying.

Lucy "Where the hell are the boys"
Says it worrying.

Rachel "They'll be here"
She says to her.

Lucy stands up and she looks back outside, while Rachel was still speaking.

Rachel "Once they find Gerry, we'll get the hell out of here"
She says.

Lucy saw something outside in the woods.

Lucy "Hey, what's that??"
She asks Rachel.

Rachel "What??"
She says.

She gets up and she looks out the window, and over in the woods the leaves were shaking like mad, the two girls were so confused.

Rachel "It might be an animal or something??"
She says.

Rachel looks away, then Lucy points out the window.

Lucy "Well that's a hand"
She says.

Rachel looks back out the window and there was a persons hand waving telling them to come here, the girls were still confused.

Rachel "Yeah it is"
She says.

Lucy "That could be one of the boys"
She says.

She then walks towards the door, Rachel just looks at her all confused.

Rachel "Lucy, where you going??"
She asks her all confused.

Lucy "Someone is out there and needs our help"
She says to her.

Rachel "OK let them come to us, if they need our help"
She says back to her.

Lucy "What if the boys are in trouble or something, if they get hurt and we see that they tried to get us and we didn't go to them, then what Rachel??"
She says.

Rachel looks down with fear running down her body.

Rachel "What about Emily, the boys said don't leave each other"
She asks her.

Lucy "Wake her up then"
She answers.

Rachel goes over to Emily pushing her shoulder softly, while calling her name nicely.

Rachel "Emily, wake up, we have to move now, Emily......"
She says quietly.

Emily was slowly waking up, while Rachel was still pushing her shoulder softly and calling her name nicely. Emily finally wakes up and she looks at them.

Emily "What's wrong?? Are the boys back??"
She asks.

Rachel "No, not yet, but we saw someone trying to call us over, so we have to move"
She says.

Emily sits up with fear.

Emily "What, no there is no way I am going out there"
She says worried.

Rachel "We have to see something"

Emily "I don't care"
Sounds afraid.

Emily "You guys go, I'll close the door after you, to keep me safe"
She says.

Rachel looks at Lucy.

Lucy "That's fine I guess"
She says to them.

Rachel looks back at Emily.

Rachel "OK, that's fine, but make sure you close it and don't leave it on less you see us, to let us in, no one else, OK"
She says to her.

Emily "Yeah, I won't"

Rachel smiles at her, and she stands up, Lucy opens the door, and they walked out, Emily was going to close the door on till Rachel had to say something else.

Rachel "One more thing, be careful, OK??"
She says.

Emily "Yeah I will"
She replies.

Lucy and Rachel walks away, and Emily closes the door shut. Lucy and Rachel gets a flashlight from their phones and they walk throw the field.

Rachel "Do you think she'll be OK??"
She asks.

Lucy "She'll be fine, she's just afraid"
She replies.

Rachel "What happens if she's right??"

Lucy looks at her.

Lucy "About what??"
She asks.

Rachel "Like the missing people, this could be the last place they ever saw"
She says.

Lucy "God, look this could've been but this is a big country, they could've be anywhere, this is hardly the only place that everyone goes missing"
She says.

Rachel "Yeah, your right"
She replies.

They made it to the woods, and they don't see anyone.

Rachel "No one's here, let's go back"
She says.

Lucy "No, no someone was calling us over, so they could've walked on, thinking we were coming"
She says.

Rachel "Good point"
She replies.

Lucy "Come on"
She says to her.

The two then walks into the woods, meanwhile Emily was looking at them going into the woods, she just takes a deep breath.

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