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Lucy and Rachel were standing in the woods after the strange phone call with Emily, Rachel was looking at Lucy all confused.

Rachel "What's going on??"
She asks confused.

Lucy "She sounded scared"
She says.

Rachel "Is everything OK?? Is she OK??"
She asks in a rush.

Lucy "I don't know"
She says slowly.

Rachel "That's it forget about the boys, we're going back to the bus"
She says all scared.

Lucy "Yeah, let's go"
She says scared.

When they turned there backs they heard some people running, they turned around and they see the three boys running for their lives while, the girls were confused.

Lucy "What's wrong??"
She asked.

The three boys stops right in front of them.

Thomas "We have to get the hell out of here"
He says all scared.

Rachel "Why?? What's wrong??"
She asks.

Jackson "No time to explain"
He says in fear.

Lucy "Did you guys find anything??"
She says to them.

Kenny "Did we find anything.........yeah we found something"
He says while shaking in terrier.

Rachel "What did you find??"
She asks.

Kenny "We.......we found the God Dame truck"
He says taking deep breathes.

Lucy "Well what was in it for Heavens sake"
Says all annoyed and scared.

The three boys just looks at her.

Kenny "No one was in it...........we found something in the back of the truck"
He says scared.

While he said that, he then looks at Rachel.

Rachel "What did you??"
She asks.

The boys couldn't speak they were in shock and fear.

She shouts.

Lucy "What was in it??"

Kenny "Faces, cut out faces from people, and a bloody sheet.........full of God Dame blood"
He says in fear.

The two girls just looks at them, Jackson sees something is wrong.

Jackson "Wait.......where is Emily??"
He asks.

The boys looks at the girls.

Kenny "Girls where is Emily??"
He asks in fear.

Lucy "She didn't want to come out, so she stayed on the bus"
Sounds scared.

Kenny "Oh God, we have to go back"
He says.

Rachel "we were just heading back before we saw you guys"
She says to them.

He shouts with anger.

Rachel "Someone was calling us over"
She says.

Jackson "Did you hear from her yet??"
He asks.

Lucy "Yeah I just got a call from her, she sounded scared"
She says.

Lucy "She said it's all a trap"
She says.

Kenny and the boys looks at her.

Kenny "What do you mean??"
He asks slowly.

Lucy "She said the petrol pipe was sliced open by something, and at the end of the call she went quiet all sudden, and a big bang, sound like someone dropped something big"
She says.

Kenny "Oh God, we have to go now"
He says it fast.

All five of them run back towards the bus, when they reached the beginning of the woods they saw that the bus was empty.

Lucy "Where is she??"
She says.

Thomas was freaking out.

Kenny "I don't know"
He says back to her.

Suddenly Thomas steps on something and he looks down and it was someone's hand going into a bush in front of a tree, he moved the bus over, suddenly he screams with fear, Kenny and the gang goes over to the bus.

Kenny "What's wrong??"
He says to Thomas.

Thomas doesn't speak he just points straight to the bush, they all looked over and it was a dead man's body with the skin of his face missing and all of his teeth and eyes, everyone jumps with fear.

Kenny "What the hell??"
Sounds terrified.

Jackson "Girls, you said someone was calling yous over"
He says to the girls all nervously.

Rachel "Yeah"
She replies.

Jackson "I think I know who it was, because it was any of us"
He says all scared.

Kenny just looked at the body, he then faces the bus.

Kenny "Come on"
He says to them.

They all ran back to the and left the body lying there, when they made it to the bus, the door was opened, Kenny and the boys goes in, and sees no one was inside.

Kenny "She isn't here"
He says to the girls.

Rachel and Lucy looks all around them while screaming.

Rachel "EMILY!!"
She shouts.

Lucy then shouts after her, Kenny sees that his phone was gone.

Kenny "Where the hell is my phone??"
He says to the boys.

Thomas "Yeah and my power bank"
He also says.

The boys looks at each other, then they go outside the bus.

Kenny "All our stuff is gone"
He says to the girls.

Thomas "Do you girls have your phones"

Rachel "Yeah"
She says.

Lucy "Yeah"
She also says.

Thomas "OK good, call 911"
He says to them.

Lucy "We are at least an hour away from our town"
She says to him.

Thomas "Yeah if we ring them now, they'll be here, when we find Emily"
He says.

While he was continuing talking Jackson slips on something but was still standing he looks down and sees something.

Jackson "Ah, guys??"
He says in fear.

Everyone looks at him, he looks at them then he looks down, and they all looked down and sees blood on the ground. The girls looked shocked and were freaking out.

Rachel "Who's blood is that??"
She says to them.

Kenny just looks at them breathing like mad.

Kenny "Call 911, now"
He says to them.

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