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It as an hour since Gerry lefts the kids in the mini bus alone, all the kids were standing up in the bus, the girls were freaking out, while Lucy was also trying to call him, while Kenny was looking out the window towards the woods where he saw Gerry going. Jackson and Thomas goes over to Kenny.

Thomas "OK, yeah he said either an hour or a couple minutes"
He says.

Jackson "Well it's way over the both of them"
He replies to Thomas.

Thomas "So, Kenny what should we do??"
He asks Kenny.

Kenny "Just stick around, he might be talking to someone that can help us, or something"
He replies to them.

Jackson "Look, Kenny, we all know Gerry since we were kids, and when he says he'll be back, he'll be back straight away"
He says to Kenny.

Lucy was still trying to call him, the boys looks at her.

Thomas "Anything, Lucy??"
He asks her.

She looks at him all worried, and shakes her head, Jackson grabs his coat.

Jackson "I am sorry guys, but we tired calling and waiting for him, and still nothing, so guys I am going out to find him"
Says it with worried all over his face.

Thomas "Then I am coming with you"
He says to him.

Kenny "Guys, wait I don't know, what about the girls"
He says to them.

They look at the girls and they were freaking out.

Thomas "Man, they wither come with us, or stay here together, because we are not splitting up, the boys stay with the boys and the girls stay with the girls"

Kenny "Just once no one is left alone, then we can go"
He says to them.

Jackson "Just once, no one is alone than it's all good"
He replies to him.

Kenny looks over at the girls who are still worrying.

Kenny "Well, let's tell them"
He says.

They go over to the girls.

Jackson "OK, girls me and the boys are going out to find Gerry, will you guys feel comfortable coming or staying"
He asks them.

The girls looks at each other, and whisper to each other, the boys just looks at each other, then the girls looks at the boys.

Rachel "We'll stay here together"
She says to them.

Kenny "You sure now?"
He replies to her.

Rachel "Yeah"
She says back to him.

Kenny "OK, just be safe"
He says.

As well looking at her, the boys looks at Kenny.

Jackson "OK, we should make a move then"
He says.

Thomas "Yeah, let's go"
He replies.

Then the boys walks out, and Lucy closes the door shut, the boys were all standing facing the field, they all look at each other, Jackson takes out his phone and puts his flashlight on.

Kenny "We ready??"
He says to the boys.

The boys nots their heads, so they walk on toward the woods, while the girls stayed on the bus.

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