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Everyone was still in the house, they have no idea that the man is on his way back to the house, Kenny came out of the last door on the left on the second floor, there was only one more door left, that was the end of the hall door, he looks at that door, while it was shut right in front of his face. He went to open it, but the door was locked, he seemed a bit off, because the rest of the doors were all open but this one.

Kenny "OK, somethings is behind here"
He says to himself.

Back downstairs the girls sees the kitchen down in the back, the door was a bit open, they go over very, very slowly towards it.

And the two boys in the other room, Jackson was at the desk, he checked all the draws and there was nothing.

Jackson "There is nothing here"
He says to Thomas.

Thomas "Shit"
Says it while looking at the ground underneath the mat.

Jackson opens the last draw, but there was nothing in it, but there was a hole in the inside of the draw, in the corner. Jackson puts his smallest finger in, and lifts the top off, and there was a folder there. He takes it out, Thomas looks at him and sees the folder.

Thomas "The hell is that??"
He asks him.

Jackson "I don't know, but time to find out"
He replies.

Back at the kitchen, the girls goes throw the kitchen door, there was a lot of flies around the kitchen.

Rachel "Oh My Lord"
She says to herself.

Lucy "Why are there a lot of flies in here??"
She asks herself.

Rachel looks at the sink and sees something inside of it, but couldn't get a good look at it.

Rachel "Could be something got to do with that"
She says to Lucy.

The two of the looks at the sick.

Jackson was looking at the folder while reading it out load.

Jackson "Sarah Lee?? Holy Shit, man that rings a bell"
He says to Thomas.

Thomas "Yeah it does"
He replies.

Thomas goes down to the red mat, while Jackson was looking at him.

Jackson "The hell you doing??"
He asks him.

Thomas "Something is off from underneath here"
He says to him.

Back upstairs, Kenny kicks the door open.

The girls goes over to the sink, and saw something shocking.

And Thomas lifts the mat over and there was a basement door there.

In the kitchen the girls starts screaming, and in the sink was someone's liver. The girls ran back into living room, Thomas and Jackson looks at them.

Thomas "What's wrong??"
He asks them.

Rachel "There......there.......there...."
She couldn't speak she's in shock.

Jackson "There's what??"
He asks.

Lucy "Someone liver in the sink, in the kitchen"
She says in fear.

Thomas "Liver??"
He says.

Thomas "Like a person liver??"
He asks.

Jackson "Man, shut your ass up"
He says to him.

While they were talking, Kenny came down in shock as well, they all look at him.

Kenny "You guys need to see this"
Says it all terrified.

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