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While Kenny was following the tracks, Rachel went out to the road, the cops was in front of her, she was waving her arm while shouting.

She shouts at the police car.

Suddenly the car stops in front of her, and a cop came out of the car, he looks at her, his name was Officer Marsh.

Officer Marsh "Is everything OK??"
He asks her.

Rachel "I am in danger, can you help me??"
She asks him.

While she was talking, she was running towards him.

Officer Marsh "Yes of cause, that's why I am here"
He says to her.

Officer Marsh grabs the handle of the car door.

Officer Marsh "Get in"
He says to her.

She gets into the front seat, Officer Marsh was going to close the door, but he asks her.

Officer Marsh "Is there anyone else out here??"
He asks her.

Rachel looks at him, she then looks over at the woods thinking about Kenny, she looks back at him.

Rachel "No just me"
She says back to him.

Officer Marsh closes the door, he was going to get back into the car, but suddenly he hears someone making a noise in the woods, he takes out his flashlight. Rachel puts her seat belt on, she sees him walking over to the woods, she was shocked shaking her head, trying to call him, she tries to open the door, but it was locked. Officer Marsh walks into the woods with a flashlight, Rachel was worried as hell, she was looking all over the place, she sees the keys were still in the car, she takes off her seat belt, she moves over to the drivers seat, she gets the keys and she starts the car. She looks out the far window at the woods, she couldn't see the officer again, suddenly out her window the man was standing there. He punches throw the window and grabs her, while she was screaming from the top of her lungs, the man was pulling her out with a knife in his hand, suddenly a gun shot sound happens, the man let's go of her, she looks at him, the man got shot, she looks over in the woods. Officer Marsh came out pointing the gun at the man, Rachel stayed in the car, she had the biggest smile on her face, behind Officer Marsh, Kenny was there. Kenny runs in beside Rachel, while Officer Marsh starts shooting again and again at the man, suddenly the man falls down dead. Kenny and Rachel were looking out the window, Kenny looks at Rachel.

Kenny "Drive??"
He says to her.

Rachel then looks at him all confused.

Rachel "What??"
She asks.

Kenny "Drive Rachel"
He replies to her.

Rachel then starts the car, Officer Marsh was at the man's body, Rachel backs up, Officer Marsh looks at them all confused, he goes to the middle of the road.

Officer Marsh "What are you doing??"
He says to them.

Kenny and Rachel just looks at him.

Officer Marsh "What??"
He asks.

He couldn't hear them, but they were pointing behind him, Officer Marsh slowly turns around, the man was behind him, he had his knife, he stabs the officer, while Kenny and Rachel were shocked in the car, while Kenny was shouting at Rachel.

Kenny "Go, go"
He says to her.

Rachel didn't drive she was in shock.

Kenny "Rachel go"
He repeats himself.

She still didn't drive.

Kenny "GO!!!"
He shouts at her.

Outside the man pushes the body on the ground, Rachel puts her foot down, she drives towards the man, the man then gets hit by the car, but she turns the car around to where the town was, she sees the man on the floor, she speeds and runs him over again, and drives away from that area, Kenny looks at Rachel.

Kenny "Keep going straight to the next town"
He says to her.

Rachel was in tears, she kept on driving.

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