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The boys were walking over to the truck.

Thomas "Guys I think we should leave the truck alone, like we don't know who owns it"
He says to the boys.

Kenny "Yeah, but if anyone is inside it he could help us, God he could have seen Gerry or something"
He replies to them.

They made it to the truck and it was all dirty, a dark brown colour, and the wheels were all black, they walked to the car door, and looked throw the window and no one was inside the truck.

Thomas "Well that's just bloody great, no one is here, no sign of Gerry, like where the hell is Gerry, he should call us or something"
He saying it in panic.

Kenny "Calm down, Thomas, look.......try to call him again"
He says.

Thomas takes out his phone and calls Gerry, Kenny and Jackson waited to see if there was any answer.

Thomas "No"
He says with anger.

There was no answer, and Thomas was in anger.

Thomas "This isn't right, guys, there is something wrong, there is something that we're missing"

Jackson "Oh my God, Thomas shut up, your like a boss at school and a pussy, just shut up"
He shouts at him.

Thomas "Look, Jackson can you stop been a dickhead and just think for once in your life"
He shouts at him.

While them two were shouting at each other, Kenny went to the back of the truck, and there was two doors there, he looks at the two boys still fighting, then he opens the two back doors, and he was shocked about the smell there was. The two boys stops fighting, and they rush over to the back and they look in to the truck and there was a box inside it and some sheets on the ground of the truck, Kenny sees a stain of one of the sheets.

Kenny "Hey, Jackson can I see your light please"
Sounds confused.

Jackson "Yeah sure"
He says.

Jackson already had his phone out and he gives it to him, Kenny takes the phone and he goes into the back of the truck.

Thomas "I don't think that's a good idea, Kenny"
He says to Kenny.

Jackson "Shut up, Thomas"
He says to him.

Thomas "I don't understand, why do you have to be such a......."

While Thomas was talking to him, Jackson was looking at him and suddenly he stairs with fear in his eyes, while Thomas stops giving out to him, he saw the fear in his eyes.

Thomas "What??"
Says it all confused.

Then Thomas looks over and he sees something terrible, meanwhile they were looking at something inside the truck, Kenny was looking at the sheet, while Thomas called him.

Thomas "Kenny??"
Says it with fear.

Kenny looks at the two boys and he sees them looking at something.

Kenny "What??"

Thomas looks at him, then he looks back at the thing he was looking at, Kenny looks over and he see a shape of a face on the side of the wall of the back of the truck, Kenny goes over and flashes the light on it and it was a persons face cut out and sticked on to the side of the wall, and there was a load of more faces cut out and sticked on to the sides and the top of the walls in the back of the truck. Kenny then falls with fear, freaking out and he landed on top of the sheet, he feels something wet and he shines the light at his arm and there was blood all over his arm. Kenny freaks out and gets out of the truck, Jackson and Thomas shuts the two door, Kenny gets up in a rush and pushes the boys, he falls back down again, the two boys helps him up and the three boys runs back towards the bus.

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