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So the three boys continue walking in the forest pass the trees, while still having a phone flashlight.

Thomas "Where are the end to these God Dame woods, Like??"
He says.

Kenny "I don't know but we should be close"
He replies.

They continue walking, and Thomas was saying some stuff that he heard of before.

Thomas "Guys, wait"
He says to them.

The two boys stops and looks at him.

Thomas "Don't you think that he would've giving us a text or a call or something??"
He asks them.

Jackson walks up away from the boys, and Kenny answers him.

Kenny "Yeah he could've or he could be still trying to find that truck guy"
He replies to him.

Jackson was looking at something.

Jackson "Hey, I think I found what we were trying to look for"

The two boys goes over and looks out, and they see the old truck.

Kenny "That is what we are looking for"

The old truck was parked on a field.

Thomas "Where is Gerry??"

They just look at the truck.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now