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While the bus was driving down the road, the mini bus was getting slower and slower every time, meanwhile the sun was setting, Kenny on the bus looked so confused, he turns to the boys.

Kenny "Lads, is it just me or are we getting slower and slower??"
He says to them.

The boys were looking around and the mini bus was stopping, even the girls were confused. Then the bus stops next to another open field, Gerry was looking the petrol was empty.

Gerry "How is it empty??"
He says all confused.

Kenny looks at Gerry.

Kenny "What's going on Gerry??"
He asks him.

Gerry "Ah we are not of petrol, guys"
He replies.

All of the girls were all confused.

Emily "But, you said you had enough to get us home??"
She says to him all confused.

Gerry "Yeah, me too"
He replies.

Gerry gets out his phone, and there was services.

Gerry "OK guys, I am going to make a call, OK"

They all says yes, Gerry opens the door, and gets out of the mini bus, the closes the door. Kenny then looks out to a big open field with woods at the bottom of the field.

Kenny "How far does this go??"
He says to himself.

Gerry was outside typing some numbers on his phone, on till he hears some dripping coming from behind the mini bus, he then walks to the back of the mini bus, he then looks underneath, and the petrol pipe was split in half, Gerry was so confused.

Gerry "What the hell happened here??"

Suddenly a truck was coming pass them, and Gerry sees the truck, he gets up and starts shouting at the truck.

He shouts towards the truck.

Then the truck drives pass them, and it was the truck that passed them before, Gerry was in a anger mood.

Gerry "He really is a dickhead"
Saying it with anger.

But the truck turns on to another road, Gerry sees him driving on another road and going pass the woods. Gerry then rushes back to the bus, he gets in and everyone was looking at him, while he was getting a flashlight, everyone was so confused about what he was doing.

Jackson "So, Gerry who did you call??"
He says to him.

Gerry "No one kid, but a truck drove pass us, and drove pass the woods, so I am going to go to see if someone is down there??"

Everyone was still confused.

Thomas "But we drove for 2 hours and we saw nothing only fields"
He says all confused.

Gerry "Yeah, but we never seen another road leading to another way, it could be something"
He replies.

Kenny "Your going out there alone, are You??"
He says all nervously.

Gerry "Yeah, you kids stay here"
He replies.

Kenny "What happens if somethings happens??"
He says nervously again.

Gerry "Oh yeah, I'll be fine"
He replies.

When he replied to him, he pulled out a handgun in his box, then he looks at Kenny.

Kenny "Never"
Saying it while laughing.

Gerry "Yeah, I'll be back in like maybe, might be a couple of minutes or an hour, but I'll be back, ok"

They all look at each other.

Kenny "Yeah sure"
He says to him.

Gerry smiles then he closes the door, the girls looked very nervous.

Emily "Will he be back before sunset??"

The boys looks at her.

Jackson "Oh yeah, he'll be back before sunset"
He replies to her.

When they are still worrying, Kenny looks out the window and sees Gerry with his flashlight, Kenny was just looking at him, then he lies back on the seat and closes his eyes.

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