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Kenny and Rachel were running down the second pair of woods, suddenly Kenny drops to the ground, Lucy stops in front of him, and looks at him.

Rachel"What you doing come on??"
She says to him.

Kenny looks up at her.

Kenny "No, no I can't, T.......Thomas is still alive"
He says to her.

Rachel goes over to him, she tries pulling him up from the ground, that Rachel sees they're almost at the road.

Rachel "Come on, there is the road"
She says to him.

Kenny then stands up, he looks at the road.

Kenny "The road, OK, OK that's a good thing, you go and wait for the cop, you go back to the bus and lock yourself in and wait for the cops"
He says to her.

When he was saying that to her, she was shaking her head as well as he was talking to her.

Kenny "Just listen, if you find the cop, if he ask you is there anyone else out here, you"
He says to her.

Rachel "What are you crazy, that man killed all our friends, we just can't leave him off that"
She says with anger to him.

Kenny "I want to do it, OK, I want to kill him"
He says to her.

Suddenly a light shine on them from outside the woods, they looked out and sees a police car, they were shocked.

Kenny "OK, OK, go, go now"
He says to her.

Kenny was walking back to where Lucy and Thomas was taken.

Rachel "Wait where you going??"
She asks him.

Kenny looks at her.

Kenny "Look, Emily, Lucy, Jackson they're all dead, but Thomas isn't, I am not letting him die"
He says while turning his back.

Rachel "He's dead, Kenny he has to be dead"
She says to him.

Kenny links back at her again.

Kenny "Then if he is, I want to kill this guy"
He says to her.

Kenny "Now go before he leaves"
He says to her.

The both of them turns there backs and walks different ways.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now