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There was bus driving on a highway, in a mini bus, with 6 teenagers inside of it, 3 boys and 3 girls all having fun inside the bus, the three boy were with the three girls. The three boys names are Thomas Long, Jackson Philips, and Kenny Hallway. And the three girls Emily Star, Lucy Hallway and Rachel Breck, there were best friends with each other, it was Rachel's birthday and coming back to their own town from a weekend away with all her friends which she calls family. The boys were sitting and talking to each other, and the girls were over in another side of the mini bus sitting and talking to each other. The boys were talking some girls back in town.

Thomas "Come Sarah, Sarah Myers, she is just fantastic"

Jackson "Na, Nancy Wide, come on boys she is just fine, like come on, lads"
He says.

Meanwhile they were talking, Kenny looks over at the girls but he was most looking at Rachel, the girls didn't see him looking at them, then Thomas hits his arm, and he looks at him.

Thomas "What about you man??"
He says.

Kenny "Sorry, guys I got nothing, sorry lads"
He replies.

Thomas just looks at him all confused.

Thomas "Really, like look at Sarah Myers, she's just, Wow"
He says.

Jackson "No, Nancy Wide, like come on man"

Kenny just looks at the two of them.

Kenny "Sorry lads, there's no one"
He replies to them both.

Thomas "OK, then"
He replies.

The two goes back to talk to each other, and Kenny looks back at Rachel, which she can't see him looking at her. The driver of the bus his name is Gerry Wayne, and he was driving next to an open field. While everyone was talking to each other, Kenny went up to Gerry.

Kenny "Hey, Gerry"
He says.

Gerry "Hey kido, what can I do for you??"
He replies.

Kenny "How long is there left??"

Gerry "Oh God, kid I'll say about maybe 3 to 4 hours kid"
He says to him.

Kenny "That's OK, can you stop in a few, I need to go the toilet"

Gerry "Yeah kid, no problem"
He says.

Kenny "Thank you, Gerry"

He walks back to his seat, he just takes a big breathe, meanwhile the girls was talking about some dresses for there Prom Night.

Emily "This red dress, like it's amazing"

The two girls looks at her dress.

Lucy "Oh my God, yes"

Rachel "That's amazing, Emily, who you going with??"

Emily looks at them.

Emily "Tony Ward"

The two girls were shocked.

Lucy "No"
Saying with shock all over her face.

Rachel "Is it true, what they say about him??"

The two girls looks at Rachel.

Lucy "About Grace Sell??"

Rachel "Yeah"

Lucy "Grace says he's the worse person ever and I met him in 3 grade and he's amazing"

Rachel "We don't know what happens behind closed doors"

The two girls looks at her.

Rachel "Anyway, back to dresses..."

They continue talking about dresses, Kenny was on his phone, and he looked like worried and confuse.

Kenny "Guys, check this out"

He points his phone in front of them, and it says Stephanie and Steve, are missing for two days, the boys looks at each other.

Thomas "Steve, I was talking to him before himself and Stephanie left"
He says all nervously.

Jackson "We're they last seen??"

Kenny "Doesn't say, they were supposed to be home yesterday afternoon"

The boys just looks at each other with shock on there faces.

Jackson "What happens if they're dead??"

Kenny and Thomas looks at him.

Kenny "Come on man don't say that, bro"

Kenny takes his phone back to himself, and he checks up all the people that are missing, and it showed up 35 people are missing during that year, Kenny just stairs at his phone. Then Gerry yells back at them.


They all not their heads, Kenny continues to read about the people that are missing and still never found, while Thomas and Jackson were still talking.

Jackson "But can you still remember about a year ago??"

Thomas "Ray Jensen, still mission over a year"
He replies.

Jackson "They didn't even find his car or anything about his mission"
He says.

Thomas "The funny fact is, we don't know where the people was last seen or been"
He replies.

Meanwhile they were talking, Kenny saw a picture of Ray Jensen, he was shock that he is gone.

Kenny "Like Ray Jensen, the most likable person alive, he's just gone and the answers we want, is the answers we'll never get"
Says it with sadness.

The two boys looks at him.

Jackson "In least we still have each other, we are best friends, we stand together no matter what, in matter fact we are not friends we are brothers"
He says to the boys.

The boys smile at each other.

Kenny "Brothers for life"

Thomas "Yeah"

The boys smiles at each other, meanwhile the girls were still talking about their dresses.

Jackson "Thank God, they didn't hear us"
Says it with laughter.

Then the boys starts laughing, while behind the bus, there was a truck speeding up to them, while the girls was talking about their dresses and the boys crying of laughter, and suddenly the truck beeps and everyone jumps with fear, even the driver.

Gerry "Who the hell is that??"
He says it with anger.

Then the truck storms pass them, all the boys starts laughing, while the driver was still anger.

Gerry "What a dickhead"
Says it with anger.

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